Self-certification in Santo Stefano: what to write for walking or shopping


Rome, December 26, 2020 – After the day of Christmas, also by that of Saint Stephen Italy is still in Red zone. Therefore, travel is prohibited. Those who need to move will need theself certification. The document will also be necessary for the other days in the red zone, that is, December 27, January 1 to 3, 2021 and January 5 and 6. On the other days of this mini-period (here they are, December 28, 29, 30 and January 4), Italy will be in orange zone and therefore, staying within the municipality, it will be possible to carry out transfers without the mandatory self-certification that you carry with you.

Red zone in Santo Stefano: what to do and the shops open

For this Santo Stefano 2020 deeply touched by the COVID-19Here is a mini guide with the basic rules to observe, with the addition of some particular permission to move. Focus on the cases where it is possible to move with or without self-certification.

Self-certification to move: PDF and how to do it

Orange zone Italy: the rules of the Christmas decree

Self-certification form in PDF

What can be done today, December 26, 2020?

It is possible, for example, to visit family members OR friends. Attention: you must complete the self-certification to bring while you move. But how should self-certification be completed? In the case of a visit to friends, the box “other reasons allowed by current regulations …” must be checked as the reason for the move and, in the corresponding space where the reason must be described, you must write: “visit friends”or “visit to relatives”. Important note: you can only take one trip per day. Therefore, can I visit family and friends on the same day? The answer is no. Transfer times are still the classic: from 5 to 22 to respect the ‘curfew’.

Motor activity and sport. Rules and clarifications

In the days of Red zone Physical activity is allowed with three important rules: it can be done in the vicinity of one’s own living placeWe must always wear a mask and bring self-certification, checking the box “other reasons allowed by current regulations …”, specifying “motor activity” as the reason. However, it is okay if the police stop us and we find ourselves without self-certification – we can complete it on the spot.

For those who live in big cities, here’s the answer for any commute from the suburbs to downtown for a walk: no, it can’t be done. Now let’s talk about outdoor sports: it can be done, but only individually and respecting the safety distance of 2 meters from other people who, for example, jog. I can ride a bike? Answer yes. But do I have to stay in my city to ride my bike or jog? On this issue, the Government has published specific Faqs that clarify: it is possible to move between municipalities, both by bike and running “as long as this movement continues to be functional only for the sporting activity itself and the final destination coincides with the departure municipality.”

Walk outside, maybe with the dog. Rule

On red zone days, walking is only allowed close to home and with self-certification – the motivation for writing is “physical activity.” The situation is different on ‘orange days’, where self-certification is not required to walk around the city. For those who wish to combine the walk with the giratina with the dog, the same rules apply as for the walk without their pet.

Can I move to the second home?

Answer yes, from 5 to 22, staying within your region. Also for this topic, a mini guide to complete self-certification. First step, check the box “other reasons” and then add in the motivation the prayer that we are moving to a second home (for example, at sea or in the mountains). What if I have a second home in another region? I can go there? Answer no, unless there is an emergency reason.

Spending chapter: what are the rules on red zone days?

Go and do the expenses Self-certification is required and must be completed by placing an x ​​in the “other reasons allowed …” box. The purchase can also be made in a municipality other than that of residence or domicile. The reason? The principle of convenience that can lead us to a supermarket more than to another present or not in our municipality. It is justified for reasons of necessity to travel not only to do the shopping, but also to buy newspapers, to go to the pharmacy, or in any case to buy goods necessary for daily life. On the days that it will arrive in the orange zone, the rule changes on the issue of spending: to move within our municipality we can do without self-certification. However, if you change municipality, self-certification will always be necessary.

In the church for mass. How to move

You can go to mass both in the red zone and in the orange zone. The destination should be that of the church closest to your home. Get moving with self-certification which is mandatory. The box to be marked on the sheet is the one for “other reasons …”.
