Snow in Maddalena on Christmas Day


The afternoon rain, abundant fall in the Brescia area, turned into snow on the mountain of origin. La Maddalena has turned white: a blanket of a few centimeters, but capable of creating suggestions and atmosphere, especially on Christmas Day.

The cold disturbance descending from northern Europe has also affected our lands. At mountainous areas The snow was expected to be abundant, as it had already manifested itself in recent days, just behind the Immaculate Conception. However, due to restrictions related to the health emergency, the ski resorts are closed, at least until January 7.

To Santo Stefano Forecasts speak of a clear improvement, thanks to the drier cold north currents that will favor clear skies from the morning. Weak or moderate winds from the northeast quadrants. On Saturday afternoon the weather will be stable with mostly clear skies and the only chance of passing harmless clouds. Stable with a clear sky even at night. Temperatures will continue to decline with negative values ​​spread over the night and early morning.