2 minutes, 56 seconds
SITUATION. The cold air from the Arctic spills over the Mediterranean and Italy, generating the formation of a depressive vortex at the height of our central regions. The associated disturbance is affecting on the one hand Romagna, Marche, Tuscany and Sardinia, with the cold branch of the front being pushed by the strong northeast currents that flow along the northern edge of the vortex. On the other hand, the remaining south and central regions, with currents from the southwest flowing along the southern edge of the vortex, and give rise to climatic disturbances especially in Campania, Molise and Puglia.
UNSTABLE IN ROMAGNA AND TUSCANY, SNOW FROM 500M, BORA IN TRIESTE. The arctic currents that flow into the trunk with a northeast-southwest trajectory hit the Gulf of Trieste where they give rise to strong Bora gusts reaching 90km / h. Across the Adriatic, the northeast flow manifests itself in humid and disturbed air that causes phenomena that fly over Romagna, the Emilian Apennines and a large part of the Marches. On Christmas night there were also hailstorms in the Ravenna area, while on the morning of Santo Stefano the rains and showers take snow character in the Apennines above 500 m, with about eight inches of accumulation above 1000 m. Today at dawn there are rainfall accumulations of up to 40 mm in the Rimini area. Tuscany is also involved with scattered showers and showers, more frequent in the northern areas, with snow in the Apennines of 500 / 700m.
COLD AND BAD WEATHER IN SARDINIA, SNOW INSIDE. Before folding over the southern edge of the vortex, the currents come from the northern quadrants and flow with their cold load into Sardinia, where they give rise to bad weather with rains and showers especially on the western slopes, with cold weather, plummeting temperatures and snow in inland areas from around 600 m.
BAD WEATHER IN CAMPANIA AND PUGLIA. Along the lower edge of the depression vortex the currents come from the southwest quadrants and carry a carpet of clouds that covers all southern regions but gives rise to bad weather, especially in Campania and north-central Puglia early in the morning. It snows in the Campania-Molise Apennine areas from 900m.
WEATHER THE NEXT HOURS. The disturbance will move to the southeast remembered by the minimal depression that will occur in the afternoon towards the heel of the boot and the weather will definitely improve in the north and in the upper Tyrrhenian Sea. An exception will be a residual instability in the morning in Romagna and south-central Tuscany with snow from 300/400 m; the phenomena will fade from the afternoon and the partial light spells will take over, wider in the upper part of Tuscany. Bad weather will insist on the rest of the Center-South with rains and more frequent rains in Marche and especially in Abruzzo, where they can also be of strong intensity, but with phenomena extended to all regions, weaker only on the ionic side. Unstable even in Sardinia with scattered showers that will tend to concentrate in Gallura from the afternoon. Snow limit about 400 m in the Umbria-Marche mountain range, 800 / 1000m in Abruzzo but up to 400 m in the afternoon, at initially higher altitudes in the south but decreasing in the afternoon to 600 / 800m in the Campania-Lucan sector, 1000/1200 m in Calabria. Temperature in sharp decline. Twenty stormy from Grecale, from Mistral on the Sardinian sea, from southwest to extreme south. Sunday new disturbance arriving from the Northwest.