A Christmas the arrival of the Pfizer-Biontech van in Tor di Quinto to Rome, escorted by police cars. TO Saint Stephen the transfer of the vials to Spallanzani and the beginning of operation Eos, with the Air Force, Army and Navy aligned to deploy the first 9,750 doses of the anti-Covid vaccine in all Regions. The aim is to allow Italy to participate in the Vaccine day on December 27, when doctors, nurses and health workers across Europe symbolically inaugurate the mass vaccination campaign. This is the way expected for the drug developed by American Pfizer and approved by the European Medicines Agency on December 21. Bad process to be respected are many, from cold chain to -70 degrees the need to administer doses In 5 days once the temperature reaches 2/8 degrees centigrade.
December 25: arrival in Italy – The vehicle containing the 9,750 doses destined for our country for the 5th arrived on Italian soil on Christmas morning. Party from Belgium, crossed the Brenner border and headed straight for the capital. On the way he was constantly escorted by the carabinieri. At night he came to barracks of Tor di Quinto in Rome: agents are tasked with keeping you safe at night. Another safety guarantee is provided by the manufacturing company itself, which has installed a thermal sensor with Gps to monitor the location and temperature of each shipment 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
December 26: Operation Eos begins – The next step for the 9,750 doses is set for Santo Stefano: around 10 am the Pfizer van is expected at the Spallanzani hospital in Rome, national vaccine storage center. Here the division of the vials into special boxes to be assigned to the Italian Regions. As explained by the emergency commissioner Domenico Arcuri, the agreement with Pfizer theoretically requires the company to deliver the vaccines to the management points, but this time for logistical and time reasons it was decided to involve the Armed forces. Part of the doses will be transported to the military airport of Pratica di Mare, where 5 aircraft (two Air Force C27J, two Army Dornier Do. 228 and a Navy P-180) will reach the most distant regions and islands. The remaining vaccines will reach land destinations with a general commitment of 60 cars, the same ones used in Bergamo in the hardest phase of the pandemic, and about 250 soldiers.
December 27: date V – According to the strict protocols established by Pfizer, the special containers in which the vials are stored can keep the temperature at -70 degrees for 10 days. However, once divided into Spallanzani, they should be used within 5 days if stored at 2/8 degrees or for 30 days if added to boxes. dry ice every 5 days. Actually, the administration should end much earlier: the date to be marked on the calendar is December 27, when the European V-day will begin. Doses are expected in 21 identified administration sites in the national territory (one per Region), which will increase to 300 when the actual campaign begins. In Lazio everything will take place in Spallanzani, where the first five vaccinated in Italy. It is made up of a nurse, a health worker, a researcher, and two doctors. In Lombardy the doses are expected in the hospital. Niguada from Milan, but the Region aims to manage them at 14 sites, including Alzano and Codogno.
From December 28: the campaign begins – The administration of the first 9,750 doses could last someday, in such a way that they allow the participation of all doctors, nurses and health professionals identified at the regional level. But as early as December 28, according to Arcuri reports, Pfizer should send others 450 thousand doses to our country. It is at this point that the vaccination campaign itself will begin, aimed firstly at those who work in hospitals and elders in RSA. Vaccine firepower is expected to increase further from Jan 6, when green light is expected for Ema’s dope Modern. Then it will be AstraZeneca’s turn. Meanwhile, in all the Italian squares the “springThe pavilions that, in the intentions of the institutions, will allow the country to “be reborn as a flower” and definitively stop the spread of coronavirus.