It will be administered on Sunday 27 in three hospitals in Palermo and in a RSA to health workers throughout the region.
While waiting for the 685 doses of vaccine destined in this first phase to Sicily, which will arrive tomorrow at the Boccadifalco airport in Palermo with a Civil Protection plane, the program has been developed that will begin at 11.30 am on Sunday, in the pavilion 24 of the Civic Hospital where the first dose of the drug Biontech-Pfizer will be injected.
On the same day, at 3.30 pm, the vaccination will continue at the RSA in via La Loggia, also in Palermo.
The Civico, Villa Sofia-Cervello, the Giaccone Polyclinic in Palermo and the territorial ASP have been chosen as vaccination points that will continue until the 30th and will affect the health personnel of the same hospitals, of the Sicilian ASPs, of the Garibaldi and Cannizzaro hospitals in Catania. , Bonino Pulejo and Papardo from Messina, Buccheri La Ferla and Ismett from Palermo, Giglio from Cefalù. The doses available for the different subjects who will receive the vaccine according to the established schedule, vary, on each of the four days, from 5 to 10 per health center.