Cornoavirus, common cases by municipality from Folgaria to Arco. In Trentino, the number of intensive care patients in South Tyrol triples


TRENTO. Another 400 infections of which are 131 those found with the molecular while 269 are unhealthy (the molecular buffer also confirms 23 positivity arose in times of antigens). The contagion / buffer ratio remains very high, above 8%, there is one more person in high intensity and the intensive care is stable at 49. In short, the situation in the province of Trento it’s still very difficult and now it’s clear that the second wave is proving more dramatic than the first. The dead (today there are 5) have reached 957 in total but those of the second wave are 492 against 416 in South Tyrol.

And even the comparison with hospitalizations and intensive care between the two ” twin ” territories is merciless, sadly: 355 hospitalizations in Trentino compared to 313 in Alto Adige and a big difference in intensive care (17 in South Tyrol, 49 in Trentino). On the contrary, the data on the total of currently positive (in Trentino 1,879 although for Civil Protection there are 1,777 against more than 10,000 in Alto Adige): a difference given by the fact that Trentino keep looking for antigenic infections (in fact, even today they are more than double compared to molecular ones) while all the rest of Italy does the opposite entrust the investigation to the screening of molecular and antigenic residues.

In summary, the Trentino anomaly remains, so much so that with these data it is located in a very strange position between the Aosta Valley (what’s wrong with it practically the same population of Trento only) with its approximately 400 active positives and the Molise (what’s wrong with it little more than 300 thousand inhabitants) which, however, has almost 600 more than Trentino (more than 2,200). In short, according to the data that Trento reports to Civil Protection, Trentino is second to last in Italy for “currently positive” despite being one of the most conflictive territories in the country (as the ISS also explains last week HERE ARTICLE).

From the point of view of the distribution of infection today i deceased (all occurred in the hospital) are counted as Pinzolo, Rovereto, Civezzano, Ossanay one was a patient from outside the province. The positives remain largely informed in cities: Tincome with 36 new cases of molecular swab (attention in these data there are no antigens because the APSS does not insert them into the contagion map, despite being already in isolation and being known by the mayors), Rovereto with 14, Pergine with 8.

Then there are a series of territories that, unfortunately, are registering important increases such as Pieve Ticino with 7, Arco with 6 positive and Folgaria with 5. But here is the image of today’s contagion:

Trento 36 almost

Rovereto 14

Pergine Valsugana 8

Pieve Ticino 7

Arc 6

Folgaria 5

Riva del Garda, Mezzocorona, Ala 4

Mori, Ville d’Anaunia, Brentonico, Avio 3

Lavis, Cles, Borgo Valsugana, Ledro, Mezzolombardo, Predazzo, Dro, Sella Giudicarie, Primiero San Martino di Castrozza, Cavalese, Roncegno, Isera 2

Pinzolo, Levico Terme, Predaia, Vigolana Plateau, San Giovanni di Fassa, Tione, Castel Ivano, Caldonazzo, Ville di Fiemme, Giovo, Terre d’Adige, Villa Lagarina, Aldeno, Calliano, Mezzano, Scurelle, Novaledo, Strembo, Sarnonico , Trambileno, Torcegno, Ronzo Chienis, Castel Condino, Pelugo, Samone 1
