This Christmas of the Post and the world


On January 9, 2020, the Post published a short article titled “An outbreak of pneumonia in China may have been caused by a virus similar to SARS.” It ended like this.

However, more research will be needed to find out exactly what it is and whether some type of animal caused the infection.

It has been a strange year, it is the most banal understatement that can be written, on the eve of this Christmas: but let’s use it to save ourselves superlatives and emphasis that would all be predictable and insufficient. We are only here to say Merry Christmas at the end.

After that January 9, everything happened: for everyone, for information and for the Post. On February 24, we thought that the way things were going, a daily newsletter of coronavirus updates could be a good way to counteract the information clutter that already prevailed: when we sent the first one, the next day, it already had ten thousand subscribers. . It would reach eighty thousand in the following months.

On March 7, the Post office found itself disoriented at the first occurrence of a situation that would later repeat itself often: throughout the day – you will remember – rumors and forecasts were pursued about the provinces that would be included in the first great red zone the consequent limitations. Finally, overnight, several of those advances would be disproved by official decisions. To wait for them, the Post resolved at the end of the afternoon – with a feeling of inadequacy – to explain on social networks that it would not publish anything uncertain and misleading before, apologizing. Instead, it turned out to be a very popular choice and was repeated a lot in the following months (risky, and still not entirely satisfactory): prudence was the best approach for this whole year.

Each one has stages and dates to count its 2020: the main ones of the Post are these, and then there has been a lot of work and new investments to meet the expectations that our type of information has created in increasing numbers. of readers and subscribers: subscribers who today are primarily responsible for what the Post has done well. What you have not done yet and that can be improved, you will try: thank you all, literally.

This was the Post Christmas article from a year ago: another time, other hopes and other thoughts. Or the same ones, to read it to the end:

Let’s build things: and Merry Christmas.

Here. Greetings from the Mail.
