Sunday in Vicenza the first 145 …


Pfizer vaccines: how they were prepared for shipment

The first doses of the anti-Covid vaccine arrived in Italy. Around 9:30 a.m., the Belgian van with the first 9,750 doses of the Pfizer-Biontech vaccine bound for our country crossed the Brennero border. Escorted by the carabinieri, the vehicle heads to the Spallanzani hospital in Rome.

Starting tomorrow the doses will be divided for each region and Sunday, December 27, V-day, the vaccination will begin. In Vicenza, which serves as the provincial classification center, were assigned as first stock 145 shots, almost 20 percent of the 875 doses that arrived at 7 a.m. Sunday in Veneto. One hundred vials (that at least is expected, but it could be even less), because the baptism of this long-awaited and extraordinary vaccination campaign will be reserved forUlss 8 Berica and 45 will take the road to Bassano andUlss 7 foothills.

“We have one very high efficacy vaccine and excellent safety margin», Reiterated the president of the Italian Medicines Agency (Aifa) Giorgio Palù.

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Covid, here are steps and ways to vaccinate all Venetians. “The first 875 doses on December 27”. Palù: “No skipped phase, 95% efficiency”

THE VACCINE PLAN VENETO. The launch of the campaign will see the health personnel involved in this first phase and will follow the guests and operators of the social and health structures in the area. In Veneto, the first phase of immunization will be aimed at a population of 184,893 subjects, of which 91,035 will be health personnel from companies and organizations of the RSS and private structures and 93,858 will be among the staff and guests of the territorial social and health structures . Subsequently, the vaccination will be extended to the general population from 559 thousand over eighty, according to age and specific risk criteria, as well as specific categories identified, including essential services workers and subjects at risk, including population groups capable of supporting transmission of infection in the community. To administer the vaccine, the population is called (called
active) by invitation, accompanied by informative material, by the Hygiene and Public Health Service of the Prevention Directorate of territorial reference, indicating the appointment at the identified vaccination center. Administration will be carried out at specific vaccination points, possible use of sports halls, gymnasium auditoriums, and in some cases directly at home (RSA).
