How many victims and new cases of coronavirus are there in Italy: the data of the Ministry of Health updated to December 24
In Italy since the beginning of the pandemic more than 2 million of people have been infected with the coronavirus, according to data from the Ministry of Health. The new ones positive cases recorded in the last 24 hours are 18,040, up from 14,522 on Wednesday, and the total now rises to 2,009,317. The victims are 505 (yesterday 553), and the total number of deaths since the beginning of the pandemic increased to 70,900.
More infections with more tampons: they are 193,777 tests carried out in the last 24 hours in Italy, some 18,000 more than in the previous bulletin. the positivity rate supports 9.3%, up from 8.3% yesterday.
Regarding hospitalizations, patients in intensive care, in the balance between inputs and outputs. Admissions for the day are 149 (yesterday 216).
In total, those hospitalized in intensive care are now 2,589. Those hospitalized with symptoms in ordinary wards are instead 24,070, 476 less than yesterday.
The positives are currently 593,632 (-5,184), recovered and discharged 1,344,785 (+22,718). There are 566,973 people in home isolation (-4,673).
Coronavirus, new cases region by region
The region with the most new cases registered continues to be Veneto. Here are the details of the new positive increases in the last 24 hours in the Italian regions:
- Lombardy: +2,656
- Veneto: +3,837
- Piedmont: +1.057
- Campania: +1,156
- Emilia Romagna: +1,692
- Lazio: +1.519
- Tuscany: +563
- Sicily: +853
- Apulia: +1.458
- Liguria: +328
- Friuli Venezia Giulia: +831
- Walking: +415
- Abruzzo: +223
- Sardinia: +331
- PA Bolzano: +142
- PATENT: +238
- Umbria: +192
- Calabria: +244
- Basilicata: +155
- Aosta Valley: +35
- Molise: +115
VIRGILIO NEWS | 12-24-2020 17:17
Photo source: ANSA