
Christmas jungle, between rules and subtleties. Do you know what you can do today, December 25? Here is a short summary, a little guide to avoid encountering fines and nasty surprises today. In short: shops closed, gatherings prohibited, but you can go out as a couple or move with the whole family to the second home. Christmas in the red light district, second day of prohibition imposed by government decree, requires moving in any case with self-certification.
Regarding visits, you can visit family and friends, but only two adults can fit in the same carhowever, it is allowed to bring children under the age of 14 and disabled or non-self-sufficient people living together. The decree also specifies that “it is allowed to move to private homes only once a day in a period of time between 5 and 22”, in short, it is mandatory to respect the curfew and you cannot leave your region. . Only “residents of municipalities with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants can leave the region, but always within 30 kilometers of their residence and without going to the provincial capitals.” Those visiting family and friends can also stop and sleep.
There are no controls in the houses, unless the neighbors notify the police. In short, be careful not to make too much noise: Disturbance of public order, in fact, could cost you a fine for meeting or for the fact that there are too many extra people compared to the partners you receive in your house
Below are the guidelines suggested by the government to reduce the risk of contagion at Christmas lunch:
– It is advisable to spend the holidays with the family, maximum two guests.
– Wear the mask when not on the table and away.
– Keep windows open or ventilate rooms at least 2 to 3 minutes every hour.
– Keep elderly and frail people away from children, if possible at two separate tables when eating.
– At the table, pay attention to the cutlery and glasses.
– Clean and disinfect hands before and after exchanging gifts.