A city – Verona – that “is much better than the guitti that represent it.” Because the decision to revoke your honorary citizenship means “silencing any impulse contrary to single thought.” Roberto Saviano responds on Instagram to the vote made in the Verona city hall, where yesterday with 20 in favor, 1 abstention and 7 against, approved the proposal launched by the councilor of the Northern League Alberto Zelger and signed, among others, by the president of the classroom Ciro Maschio, in agreement with Fratelli d’Italia. Among the reasons for the revocation of the honorary citizenship of the writer – we read in the approved document – “Saviano’s lack of gratitude to the City of Verona and the fact that he never expressed the desire to come and withdraw it.” Confederal unions also stigmatize the measure: “It is a decision that hurts.” And from the government, Minister D’Incà speaks of a “bad sign”. Reactions and controversies on the matter.
The response on social media
“Dear Veronese friends, as of today I am no longer your fellow citizen. Yesterday the City Council of the city of Verona, with the votes of the Lega and Fratelli d’Italia, decided to revoke the honorary citizenship that had been conferred on me in 2008” . Roberto Saviano announces it on his Instagram profile. “This measure does not concern only me – he explains – but it wants to silence any impulse contrary to the sole thought of the majority directors and their party. An ideology that wants to blunt critical thinking and prohibit any reasoning and proposal on controversial issues.” It is not our fellow citizen who does not think like us’, that is what he means ”.
Verona revokes honorary citizenship in Saviano: “Too much egocentric delusion”
by Alberto Custodero

“But Verona is much better than the guitti who now represent it in the city council – Saviano emphasizes – there is a city that I know is open and plural, contrary to how certain administrations strive to represent it. And it is dramatic that this resolution comes while the other activities of the Council, perhaps priorities, seem to have been blocked for days, and while Verona is the eighth Italian municipality in terms of number of infections ”.
“Even if I am officially no longer your fellow citizen, we will continue to exchange opinions even when we do not agree, to propose solutions even when they feel uncomfortable and to monitor the work of our administrators even when we are against the current: because this is what citizens”, the writer concludes.
The reactions
Speakers on the vote of the Verona city council the confederal unions, according to which it is a decision that “deeply hurts all those citizens, not only Veronese, who are personally involved or in democratic associations that support democratic institutions in the fight against organized crime. To this majority, to this advice, it cares little for signs that see our city being the object not only of attention, but also of manifest presences referring to gangs involved in illicit and criminal matters – it is noted – that threaten normal civil and economic life. ”It is considered irresponsible “to have struck with this election one of the symbolic figures of this struggle, a point of reference for many young people, a figure certainly nervous but equally frank and frank, perhaps too uncomfortable for that part of politics that still tends to underestimate, even to deny the Mafia and criminal presence in our city, the proclamations are useless, the commitments written only on paper, Then the concrete options indicate exactly the opposite ”.
“A bad sign comes from the City of Verona, which revoked the honorary citizenship of Roberto Saviano. The reasons further aggravate the unnecessarily provocative and punitive gesture. My solidarity with Saviano.” The Minister of Relations with Parliament and Reforms writes on Twitter: Federico D’Incà.
On a note Legambiente Verona comments on the revocation: “Roberto Saviano is a symbol of the fight against mafias and eco-mafias, awarded by Legambiente in 2018 with a special recognition of the Environment and Legality Award, which he is awarded for his commitment to denounce the mafias, its danger to the environment and civil life of the communities and for the defense of the rights of the weakest as an antidote against the mafias, corruption and the destructive dynamics of democracy. In Veneto, mafia infiltrations are very present and deep-rooted, according to the latest report from the Anti-Mafia Investigation Directorate ‘For some time now, there have been strong signs that the Veneto area is becoming of special interest to mafia groups, through a qualified presence or actual projections in the regional territory. ‘A system, that of Veneto, in which’ professionals and businessmen go to the mafia to also act as an intermediary with the administration p public ‘”.
“In Verona they took away his honorary citizenship from Roberto Saviano. I do not always agree with what he says or writes, but he is a man who has always fought for legality and against the mafia with his head held high – he writes on Facebook Ettore Rosato, President of Italia Viva. -These are values that should count more than the rest so as not to drag them into political controversy with an incomprehensible gesture like the one made by the municipality of Verona ”.