Baba Vanga’s Prophecy for 2021: “It Will Be a Year of Suffering”


me2021 will be a year of suffering. Then the seer sentenced Baba Vanga, the same woman who predicted 9/11 and Brexit. Vangelia Gushterova, who lost her sight at age 12, claimed to have had the gift of clairvoyance and predicted events that actually occurred in the past. The woman died in 1996 after making predictions up to 5079, which are revealed every year.

In his prophecy he stated that people’s consciousness will change: “Difficult times will come. People will be divided by their faith. We are witnessing devastating events that will change the destiny and destiny of humanity. Donald Trump will suffer from a mysterious disease that will render him deaf and cause brain trauma, someone in Russia will try to assassinate Vladimir Putin and the extremists of Islam will use an arsenal of chemical weapons against Europeans. He then went on to speak of: “A strong dragon that will capture mankind. The three giants will unite. Some people will have red money.

Among those who have analyzed the prophecy there are those who affirm that the dragon in question is China. Although the seer, according to believers, has repeatedly spoken of real events, it must also be said that she had said that Barack Obama would be the last American president, which was not true.

