“The saddest thing you remember. Close to someone who feels physical pain and loneliness” – Libero Quotidiano


Christmas Day, Luca zaia entrust your thoughts and an outlet to Facebook. “It is a different Christmas, the saddest I can remember. A very serious pandemic forces us to renounce love, tradition, to the most authentic spirit of the holidays, which is to be in the family, “wrote the governor of Veneto, noting that” the pandemic will come out if we all want to go in the same direction. “

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And again, a thought for those who will spend this Christmas in the worst and most difficult ways: “Today I am thinking in particular of those who struggle in hospitals, of our health personnel who for 10 months have been facing the fatigue and risks of Covid , but also to all who – sick – suffer from physical pain and loneliness just to recover and go home. I also think of the elderly in our nursing homes, of all those who are in home isolation from the effects of infection, those who have lost their jobs or have seen the hardships of a life compromised this year. For all of them it is my greatest wish, but above all a commitment: the pandemic will come out if we all want to march in the same direction ”, concluded Luca Zaia.
