Covid, the van with the first doses of the vaccine arrived at the Brennero pass – Chronicle


BRENNERO. Recently, the van with the first 9,750 doses of the Pfizer-Biontech anti-Covid vaccine bound for Italy arrived at the Brennero border from Belgium.

Escorted by the carabinieri, the vehicle will now head to the Spallanzani hospital in Rome. From there, the doses will be sent back throughout Italy to start the vaccination.

In Trentino Alto Adige, the first doses of the vaccine will be administered to health workers starting Sunday morning in hospitals and some nursing homes in the area.

The doses will then be distributed on Saturday 26 December to the 21 major reference sites, with a view to Sunday’s European V-Day. For this operation, Defense with the Air Force, Army and Navy will come into play for Operation Eos. The expectation of the turning point is in the words of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte.

“It will be a different Christmas – he says – but the development of vaccines and their launch soon are more than a sign of hope for all of us.” According to the prime minister, the goal “is to get 10 to 15 million vaccinated citizens to have a significant impact. We should arrive in April.” “A massive rejection is a residual hypothesis, if the problem arises we will see …”, adds the premier, who believes that a mandatory vaccination is not needed.

The first vaccination of RSA health workers and guests and staff will take place in all regions on Sunday (or the following days). Of the 9,750 initial doses of Pfizer allo Spallanzani, a part will be transported to Pratica di Mare where 5 aircraft (two C27Js from the Air Force, two Dornier Do.228 from the Army and one P-180 from the Navy) will reach the most far away, according to plan. of the Ministry of Defense on the basis of what was prepared by Commissioner Domenico Arcuri. The remaining vaccines will reach destinations by land with a total commitment of 60 cars and about 250 soldiers.

“A unanimous response from Defense”, defined by Minister Lorenzo Guerini when presenting Operation Eos, “the Armed Forces immediately showed themselves prepared and continue to do their work in the way they are used to operating: concreteness, few words, but a lot of work. ”In the second phase of the campaign, as soon as vaccines from other companies are available, the Armed Forces will transport them throughout Italy. The main hub for storing the doses will be the Pratica di Mare airport, from where They will depart to reach the 21 “Sub Hubs”, military structures located in all the Regions that guarantee the necessary security measures. From here they will leave to be delivered to the administration sites. The plan foresees the use of 11 airplanes, 73 helicopters and more than 360 motor vehicles.

Pfizer has assured that another 450,000 doses will arrive in the week of December 28, “says Arcuri-, brought directly by the company to the 300 administration points chosen with autonomous regions and provinces.
