
Matteo Salvini – Nicola Zingaretti (Lapresse)
Mooring, ps go up. Salvini-Zingaretti in less than one point
Matteo Salvini’s League and Luca Zingaretti’s Pd Almost Paired in Political Polls? Bidimedia says this (poll of December 19, 2020). According to these findings, the Carroccio collapses to 22.9% and loses 1.1% in one month. The Democratic Party remains stable at 22% (-0.1%) and the gap with the League would now be 0.9%. Less than one point. We repeat, again according to this poll (others give a 3-4 point lead for Salvini’s party over the Democrats).
Upload the polls, Brothers of Italy. Giorgia Meloni sees 17%
League already in these polls, stable Pd and Brothers of Italy is growing. Much. Giorgia Meloni’s party takes 0.8% and goes to 16.8. Fdi sees almost 17% and separates the M5S.
Surveys, M5S away from Brothers of Italy
Movimento 5 Stelle loses one point in a month in the Bidimedia survey and goes to 12.7%. These data say that between the Brothers of Italy and M5S there are more than four points.
Surveys, Forza Italia; Berlusconi 7%
Well let’s go Italy. Silvio Berlusconi’s party takes 7% participation (0.2% more). Center-right, therefore, always strong, despite the decline in the League, offset by the Brothers of Italy and Forza Italia (slight growth also by Cambiamo).
Polls, Italia Viva, Sinistra and Action by Calenda
The other two political forces that support the Conte government? Stable at the polls. Italia Viva is at 3.2% and Liberi e Uguali at 3%. Calenda’s share grows and takes 3% (+ 0.2%). Green Europe (1.8%), + Europe (1.5%) and the Communist Party (0.9%) lose nothing. The undecided and abstained grow to 21% (+ 1%).