Polls, Lega-Salvini bang. Pd-Zingaretti thud
Lega di Matteo Salvini at 24% in political polls. Or better in the average of the political thermometer during the week 13-19 December. Il Carroccio rises, last week it was 23.6%. And it gains in the Pd that goes from 20.9% to 20.1%. So the League-Democratic Party gap returns to almost 4 points, when it was 2.7% seven days ago. It should be noted that we are talking about an average gap, which is affected by the different institutes that conducted a political survey this week.
Polls, Brothers of Italy strong. M5S away from Giorgia Meloni
Lega and Pd fluctuate (up and down respectively), while Fratelli d’Italia remains stable in the polls. Giorgia Meloni’s party is at 16.3% (it was 16.4%) and it is still the third Italian party. In fact, the M5s are more than a point and a half away: the 5 Star Movement is in fact at 14.7%.
Polls, Forza Italia: Berlusconi at 7%. Renzi-Calenda waterfall
Forza Italia as Fdi remains stable in the average of the surveys: Silvio Berlusconi and the Azzurri are at 7.4% (-0.1%). Behind it is a shot of Italia Viva and Acción de Calenda that rise to 3.4% (from 3.1%), while Left / Leu falls to 3.1% (from 3.3%). + Europe remains at 2% (compared to 2.1%)