I trust you will make it acceptable. “


Gian Carlo Toll booths it is part of the history of Italy. A magistrate by profession, he has fought and continues to fight today, although retired, through essays, speeches and conferences, in favor of justice. Someone like him, who needs no introduction, is also part of the Torino family. Always a fan, these days he suffers, along with all the hearts of Granada, the difficulties of his team. Exclusively at Toro News, this Christmas 2020 so special and different from the usual due to the well-known events that we are all experiencing, Caselli has drawn up his first report of the season and not only of Turin.

Doctor Caselli, Torino reaches the last Christmas break in qualifying. As a hobbyist, what are the sensations you are experiencing?

“The sensations are multiple. I would say that there is a mixture of disappointment, fear and hope. The disappointment comes from too many times the indecent performances of the team. The fear of being close to Serie B. The hope, on the other hand, comes from the fact that I am sure that the Bull will recover once again ”.

A 2020 with only four victories in the League, of which only one in this tournament. How do you explain the complicated year of the pomegranate?

“The quality of the team, in general, is definitely not excellent. In fact, it tends rather to modest ̎. But the results are well below this level of quality. And that makes fans nervous (to put it mildly, of course). Above all, a true director is missing. Rincón is good and gives everything, but asking him to improvise as a director would be like asking myself that all my life I have only been a criminal lawyer to suddenly become a civilian. It just doesn’t exist! ”.

The last match of 2020, however, ended in a draw in Naples. Can it represent a reset point?

“Once again we have been reassembled in extremis and that is why once again it is so bitter in the mouth. But there was good news. Izzo who jumps into the arms of Giampaolo, who is then submerged by the entire team in celebration, except the big one, I would dare to say sumptuous, Belotti who immediately begins to remember his teammates on the field so that they are not distracted. A scenario that gives hope to a future of greater commitment. I’m obviously not talking about ̎Tremendismo, things of the past, but a little more determination would not hurt … “.

ALSO READ: Napoli-Torino 1-1, Giampaolo: “Proud of the boys, I’m still credible”

How do you judge Giampaolo’s work so far? How many fouls are attributed to him?

“At the beginning of the season I was very confident. Now much less. Change formation too often. Most of the time I don’t like substitutions during the current game (even with Napoli they didn’t seem appropriate). I don’t appreciate that after a disaster you go out talking ̎Virgole incorrect. I wish it conveyed more determination. A small example: if a Roma player, not even touched by Singo, starts screaming like crazy and rolls around the field like an epileptic, while a colleague of his shamelessly invokes the stretcher to help ̎The injured person, I would like a coach who invites the players to mobilize in compliance with the regulations so that the Abyss on duty does not penalize us unfairly. However, it goes without saying that I’m just hoping I can change my mind about Giampaolo. “

READ ALSO: Giampaolo brakes Gattuso: Orderly and diligent bull. But why 3 changes in a slot?

Many expect a men’s revolution in January. Could it be the correct way?

“For a good and sufficient revolution, in my opinion, at least two things are needed: a good director, as already mentioned, and a… psychologist, who changes the minds of some players. There is one in particular (I don’t want to mention names) that the ball always passes it backwards even when an attack must be prepared, or misses it ruinously and then wobbles with enough for the field. Embarrassing! The truth is that after Naples the alibis ended. For everyone”.

The man who symbolized the first half of the Torino season, as well as for some years now, was Andrea Belotti. Does it remind you of someone from the last grenade? And what does the captain of the grenade leave you in terms of emotions every time?

“My five-year-old grandson Leo has already learned to do the rooster gesture when he plays with his ball. Also for this reason the Rooster is for me first of all a symbol of joy and happiness. But above all he is a symbol of the Bull we all love, a player who gives his soul for 90 minutes, not only as a forward but also as a midfielder and defender. Moving for jersey attachment, technical skills, compelling example, and determination. According to statistics, it is the player of all the teams who suffers the most fouls. Also for this I admire him. But at the same time I wish it was more ̎ Guardianship. In the empyrean grenade it will always occupy a place of absolute excellence. Without a shadow of rhetoric ”.

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2020 represented the anniversary of the first three decades as president of Urbano Cairo in Turin. What is your assessment of the work of the Alexandrian businessman?

“Cairo made mistakes. I insist on the director who never comes. I can’t forget that it also gave us some satisfactions such as the magical night in Bilbao. But it is true that you do not live only on memories. The future still depends heavily on him. I trust you can make it acceptable and positive. Starting January 4 with Parma… ”.

Finally, what are your wishes for Christmas and the end of the year for the fans of Turin and for our readers at the end of a difficult 2020 from all points of view, from football to unfortunately social and health?

“It would be absurd and idiotic not to start from Covid, wishing that everyone quickly and in the best way overcome the difficulties (both health and economic-financial) that the infamous pandemic has caused and continues to cause. Everything else definitely takes second place. “
