ROVERETO. There were two people on board: it turns out a 27-year-old boy and a 69-year-old woman. A true tragedy that saw the two lose their lives in the icy waters. dell’Adige after the car ended up in the river and was carried a few hundred meters downstream by the current. A little Ago the car was pulled by the fire engine crane and once it was returned to street level, it was up to coroners to examine the cabin and try to reconstruct the identity of the man and woman inside.
Lwhite car had disappeared in the waters of the Adige yesterday around 4 pm and was seen more south, following the current, from the spot where the witnesses saw it sink, that they had also photographed while it was still floating. We are in Rovereto, shortly after the modern bakery and the Borgo Sacco bridge and the roundabout of Piazza Filzi that leads to the right bank of the river.
The car that was rebuilt would be ended up in the water yesterday afternoon going through the only possible access that allows get so close to the river with a vehicle, about 80 meters further north of the bridge itself and witnesses spoke of people on board the ship floating a few tens of meters and then collapsing.
On site, immediately, the firefighters from Trento had brought with them, along with several corpses such as Rovereto, Besenello, Calliano and Mori but yesterday’s searches had ended without success. Meanwhile researcher investigations they verified that the event had actually happened (in the first moments it seemed that it could be a false alarm) and there was also that photo that we published above to prove it. So operations had resumed this morning survey of the seabed.
I am the divers jumped into action, several rafts and then the underwater robot is a ship arrived from Venice with probe cit has sped up search operations. Eventually the car was found, pushed downstream by the fort frozen river stream (which at those points reaches a depth of 18 meters as explained by firefighters in this VIDEO). by the fire engine crane was used to retrieve it. But it was hours before he was able to lift the vehicle.
The robot was fished first and only cWhen darkness came, the divers took advantage of the car, in the icy waters of the Adige and an attempt was made to bring it back to the surface. It is not an easy operation that was completed around 18:15.
The causes of this tragedy are unknown at the moment. It is not clear if this was an accident or not. Researchers are investigating to try to reconstruct the dynamics. The truth is two people lost their lives in the icy waters of the Adige yesterday afternoon.