
As of December 24, Italy becomes a red zone and will continue to be so on days, in addition to Christmas Eve, also on December 25, 26, 27 and 31 and on January 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6. This was established by the government with the Christmas decree, which launched a tightening of measures against the coronavirus to avoid a third wave in January. Then the rules change: restaurants and shops are closed and at the same time travel is prohibited. So let’s look at the rules in effect as of today, valid on red zone days.
What movements are allowed in the red zone
In the red zone, all movements are prohibited, unless there are work, health or need reasons. That will be documented through the self-certification form that will be displayed if you are detained for verification. Then you can leave the house to go to work or for health reasons, for example, to go for a medical examination. Reasons for the need include, for example, the movement you make to go shopping. Actually, in the form of self-certification, instead of necessity, we speak “Reasons allowed by current regulations or by the decrees, ordinances and other provisions mentioned above that define the measures to prevent the spread of infection.“: the exceptions provided by the Christmas decree for visits to friends and family are also included.
Transfers to visit friends and family
Being the period of the Christmas holidays, the government has made exceptions to allow friends and family to spend Christmas together. Always within certain limits and always in compliance with the basic anti-contagion rules. Only one exit per day to another private home within your Region will be allowed. So, for example, if I decide to visit my grandparents in the morning, that afternoon I will not be able to go with a family member or friend. In addition, this type of trip is only allowed to two people at a time per unit: consequently, it is not possible to receive more than two people who do not live together at home. Moving is allowed within curfew hours, that is, from 5 am to 10 pm
Transfers to help non-self-sufficient people
One of the movements normally also allowed in the red zone, beyond the Christmas exceptions, is the one carried out to provide assistance to non-self-sufficient people. This is also allowed between different regions. Among the frequently asked questions posted on the government website, we read:
The movement to give assistance to non-self-sufficient people will also be allowed from January 21 to 6, even between municipalities / regions of different areas, where it is not possible to provide them with the necessary assistance through other subjects present in the same municipality / region. However, it is not possible to transfer more people than are strictly necessary to provide the necessary assistance: as a general rule, the need to provide assistance cannot justify the movement of more than one adult relative, possibly accompanied by minors or disabled persons than normally already attends.
The conditions to move between municipalities
Also in the Faq, some questions about the conditions of need are specified. For example, it is not clear if to go shopping I can move to another municipality or if I have to do it in the supermarket in my municipality. Actually, the sentence is usually sent to the competent authority: “The evaluation of the possible existence of reasons of necessity, in each specific case, with respect to the various situations that may occur, is the responsibility of the competent Authority.“.
Steps to move into second homes
Among the permitted movements is also that of reaching the second house, provided that it is in its own Region. Previously, when the government had established the blockade of travel between regions between December 21 and January 6 and the prohibition of leaving the municipality itself for the days of Christmas, San Esteban and New Year, it was also decided that there was no go to the second house on holidays. Now, however, with the rules of the Christmas decree, the rules change. “In the period between December 21, 2020 and January 6, 2021, movements of a family unit living together to second residences are always allowed, from 5 to 22, within their own Region and always prohibited to other Regions . It is allowed to move to the second home, even if it is owned by several co-owners, of a single cohabiting family unit“reads the FAQ.
When allowed to move between Regions
With regard to travel between Regions, the general rules remain in force. You will be able to move from one Region to another for work or health reasons, which will be certified through the self-declaration form. Furthermore, it is always possible to return to one’s residence, domicile or home. This last concept identifies “the place where you actually live, with a certain continuity and stability (therefore, for continuous, albeit limited, periods during the year) or with regular periodicity and frequency“to allow even members who live in two different cities to vacation together.
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