
SCHIAFFO 5 – The almost 80 thousand Milanese who ignore the obligation of snow tires. They endanger the lives of others. Here are the proper fines to do.
Snow weather in Milan and throughout Italy (more than 20 centimeters). Christmas arctic sword
Snow in Milan. Not at Christmas, but shortly after. And it could be a heavy snowfall depending on the weather forecast. From the night of December 27 to the morning of December 28, not just Milan. Other cities can also be affected by the white lady. Let’s try to understand what the weather says from Christmas Eve onwards.
Weather Christmas snow on the plains: frost and arctic sweep. Snowfall that’s where
Snow at Christmas or shortly after, in Santo Stefano. The weather forecasts are clear: cold, frost and snowfall over Italy. Even at low altitudes, not just in the hills. What will happen? The icy Arctic air will arrive on December 25 and conditions will begin to deteriorate. Hence the bad weather, the rainfall and, as we said, the dreaded snow. Let’s look at the situation.
Weather forecast Christmas, Christmas Eve and San Esteban: ARCTICA lunge with SNOW to the PLAINS
From the early morning of Friday, December 25, Christmas, an icy air of arctic origin will burst from the Porta della Bora (Julian Alps) and will spread throughout the Northeast and the Middle Adriatic. This disturbed polar thrust will generate a cyclonic vortex that will lead to a bad weather phase in most of Italy. Thanks to the sudden drop in temperatures, the snow will fall to gradually lower altitudes, touching the Po Valley in the following days. The team of the site www.iLMeteo.it warns that from the early morning of Friday December 25, cold winds will break into the northeast, bringing rains throughout Triveneto, eastern Lombardy and Emilia Romagna. Bad weather will then lead to Tuscany, the Marches and Umbria and in the afternoon also to Sardinia, Lazio, Campania and Calabria Tirrena. The cold winds will lower the temperatures so that the snow descends to lower altitudes and rises to the hills of Emilia Romagna and the Center. On Boxing Day the bad weather will concentrate in the Center-South while the sun will return to the North after many days of gray skies. Electrical storms and snowfall in the low hills (200-500 meters) will affect much of the Center-South. The winds will be cold and strong over most of Italy with very rough seas. Finally, between Sunday 27 and Monday 28, after the last rains in the south, a new disturbance of the Atlantic will arrive that, given the low temperatures, will cause heavy snow throughout the Northwest with snow for example in Turin, Milan, Bergamo, Pavia, Alessandria.
Let’s look at the weather forecast for Christmas days, to understand when the arctic thrust, frost, rain and snow arrive.
Wednesday December 23rd. In the north: skies overcast with scattered rain showers, especially in Liguria. Center: often overcast skies, rain showers in Tuscany. South: covered in Campania with drizzle, more sun elsewhere.
Thursday, December 24. In the north: cloudy skies with scattered rains. In the center: rains in Tuscany, more sun elsewhere. In the south: mostly sunny.
Friday December 25th. In the north: quick rains in the northeast and eastern Lombardy, snow on the hills. Medium: worst in Tuscany and northern Marche, locally in Lazio. In the south: at dusk it worsens in Campania and Tyrrhenian Calabria.
Santo Stefano with sun and cold in the north, bad weather in the center-south with snow at very low altitude.
source www.ilmeteo.it