“My family and I are not going to make the vaccine because there is no doubt that it is an experimental vaccine whose effects have not been seen in the short, medium and long term.”
This is Heather Parisi in an Instagram message that portrays her with her husband. “I am perfectly aware that for this election in Italy (not Hong Kong) they will make fun of me, attack me, marginalize me and that many, with absolute bad faith, will call me ‘novax’ – he continues -. Unfortunately, in today’s society, freedom and tolerance have given way to prevarication and violence. But if that is the price to pay to defend one more violation of an inviolable right, I do it without hesitation. The message posted later continues: “Many have asked me what is the vaccine situation in China and Hong Kong and what will my family and I do – writes Parisi – In China, at this time, 1 million people have been vaccinated (in 1.4 billion!). The vaccination of 50 million is expected, but the response of the people is very tepid due to the admission of the same authorities that they are not forcing the hand.
“In Hong Kong it will be available perhaps in January and perhaps there will be the possibility to choose which vaccine – he concludes – I am in favor of the freedom of vaccination (the so-called informed consent) which is a right recognized worldwide by the Declaration of Helsinki, by the Declaration of ‘Unesco, of the Declaration of Nuremberg’.