Alleged rumors from the Vatican: “Pope Francis is ready to resign after Christmas, he will follow in the footsteps of Benedict XVI.” The news, however, is not confirmed at the moment, reports ilsussidiario.net.
“The resignation of Pope Francis will undoubtedly take place after Christmas and before December 31 of this year”: the “bomb” comes from England and in particular from a Vatican source considered “reliable” and informed by Austen Ivereigh, former collaborator of the Vatican and former director of public affairs for Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor (former Archbishop of Westminster).
The British media (especially Express.uk) relaunched the potential tabloid story this morning, but no comment has been received from the Holy See so far.
Jorge Mario Bergoglio, 83, according to the journalistic source, would have explained that he would have held the pontificate of Peter for only 7 years before following in the “footsteps” of his predecessor, Pope Emeritus Joseph Ratzinger.
“I don’t think there has ever been any doubt that he will resign in 2020”, Ivereigh again relates Difficulties in the Vatican Curia to approve the numerous reforms launched, splits between the cardinals and physical ailments are considered among the main reasons for this, we repeat presumed possibility.
Pope Francis resigns, which is true
Finally, the Vatican source reveals with Ivereigh that Pope Francis “made it clear from the beginning that he considered the act of Benedict XVI as prophetic, of great modesty and would have absolutely no problem in following the example of his predecessor.
It was interesting that the current pontiff said, in 2014 on Mexican television, that he believed he would have a short papacy of about five years ”.
Today there is no talk of the alleged resignation of the Pontiff, “voices” appear cyclically that would confirm Bergoglio’s intention not to continue in his role as Holy Father for a long time, but until now everything has always been denied by the Vatican and by himself Pope Francisco. Therefore, at this time there is no basis for this “rumor” to be more true than the previous ones, in fact, as the “Benedict XVI case” teaches, it is precisely in the total absence of “rumors” that the more sensational news.
Certainly, if on the contrary what was announced by Ivereigh happens, 2020 would acquire in its final appendix the most sensationalist figure destined to make this year a memorable year forever (and certainly not for good reasons, see pandemic).