The Chico Forti case and the praise of the bad guys


Enrico “Chico” Forti’s 91-year-old mother no longer believed it, detained in Florida for twenty years after a trial that many considered at least approximate and now on the verge of serving her sentence in Italy. Twenty years is a long time for a man but also for governments, which in the case of Forti did not believe much.

Italian and American governments of all shapes and sizes: right and left, even technical, and across the ocean, Republicans and Democrats. Presidents ‘controversial’ and ‘warmongers’ like the vulgar have not failed to define Berlusconi and Bush jr, but also what the same mainstream has portrayed as the ‘probissimo’ Obama, or our local democrats, from Prodi to Enrico Letta or Renzi. Twenty years – according to the relatives of Chico Forti, Uncle Gianni for example – in which nobody put their face and kept their promises.

Instead, both seem to have made two characters in which few, one for personal attitude and the other for curriculum, would pin their hopes on a tangled and entrenched human rights story like the one a recent CBS episode has. defined “a new Amanda Knox”. Because surely they have weighed the work of the defense, the Italian ambassador and the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. The letter from the victim’s brother convinced of the Italian’s innocence will be decisive.

However, no one will be able to subtract from the balance of this story the role of a ‘very bad’ like Trump, who in order to demonstrate his character does not hesitate in the last hours of the presidency to poison wells and forgive more than twenty of his associates, but that he did not object to a positive outcome of the Forti case. Nor can we for once stop recognizing the already heavy drinker Di Maio who has shown that he is no longer a drinker, and that he has fulfilled his duty as head of the Farnesina enough to earn the thanks of the family and the “greetings to Luigi ” when I was a boy. .

Ex malo bonum, said Saint Augustine, one of the many saints who had a certain experience of the opaque and imperfect soul of the world.
