Milan, December 24, 2020 – An unprecedented Christmas Eve, the first of four days that will keep Italians in the red zone from today until December 27. This is the holidays at the time of COVID-19– Sacrifices and sacrifices to keep the virus under control, avoiding a third wave. Until now in Lombardy the various measures adopted seem to have borne fruit, after a difficult autumn that sparked fear of dire scenarios. Yesterday in the region 2,153 new cases were registered against 32,926 swabs, for one positivity rate equal to 6.5%. A comforting figure, especially when compared to 8.3% nationwide.
Lombardy coronavirus bulletin
I am instead 2,656 new cases of coronaviruses found in Lombardy today. This is the second highest figure at the national level, after that of Veneto that the account 3,837. The swabs made in Lombardy were 32,294, for new positives / swabs ratio which therefore goes back to8.2%. A jump from + 1.7% compared to yesterday, although the figure is still lower than the national average, which today stands at 9.3%. In the region there are also 67 deaths (yesterday there were 98) which brings the total to 24,677 since the beginning of the epidemic. the decrease in hospitalizations: those in intensive care They decrease by 15 units and are now 521, those of the rest of the departments decrease by 65 units (4,178 in total). Also, there is a new jump of retrieved / downloaded: 4,920.
Regarding the data of the individual provinces, 697 positive figures are registered in Milanese, of which 289 in the city of Milan. TO Varese there are 337 new positives, 310 a Brescia, 209 to Mantua, 267 to As, 241 to Pavia, 158 a Monza Brianza and 104 to Bergamo. Under the hundred new cases the provinces of I gave it (82), Sondrio (76), Lecco (57) e Cremona (41).
Covid: infections in Italy / Pdf
According to the bulletin issued by the Ministry of Health and Civil Protection are 18,040 new cases of Covid-19 registered in the last 24 hours in Italy (yesterday 14,522), compared to 193,777 swabs: the positivity index therefore it goes back to 9.3% (+ 1% compared to yesterday). the victims I am 505 (yesterday 553). However, both patients in intensive care (-35) and those hospitalized under the ordinary regimen (-476) are decreasing. the people heal or discharged today there are 22,718 (yesterday 20,494) for a total of 1,344,785, while the number of current patients decreases by another 5,184 units (yesterday -7,139) and is equal to 593,632.
A strong push to fight the coronavirus will come from vaccinations, now ready to be administered also in Italy. In Lombardy on V-Day is fixed Sunday December 27 when they arrive at the Niguarda in Milan 1,620 doses of Covid vaccine and from there they will be distributed throughout the provinces of Lombardy, in 14 hub identified to proceed with the vaccination campaign. Among these are the Legnano and Codogno hospitals. In particular, the first vaccine will be administered in the room where ‘Patient 1’ was discovered on February 20.
Long Covid
He’s been living with the virus for ten months: a nightmare. Morena Colombi, patient 1 in Brianza, suffers from Long Covid. Like many other patients who have overcome pneumonia, every day she is forced to deal with the sequelae that show no signs of abating. Morena also wrote to Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte: “Ours is not yet a recognized disease, it needs to be remedied. The prime minister responded immediately. I appreciated it, only then nothing happened.”
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