Covid, in Emilia Romagna another 71 deaths and 1,129 new positives Reggionline – Quotidianionline – Telereggio – Trc – TRM |


BOLOGNA – The increase in Covid19 infections is slowing down. The numbers say it: 1,129 new positives compared to yesterday compared to almost 17,913 swabs, 365 serological tests and 4,166 quick swabs performed. The percentage of new positives over the number of swabs made since yesterday is 6.3%. Unfortunately, 71 new deaths are recorded, bringing the total since the start of the pandemic in Emilia Romagna to 7,259.

The dead

9 in Piacenza (six women aged 72.78.91, two aged 93 and one 98; three men aged 80.86 and 90), 5 in Parma (two women aged 78 and 94 and three men aged 90 , 92 and 96 years old), 3 in the province of Reggio Emilia (two women aged 86 and 89 and a man aged 80), 4 in the area of ​​Modena (all men, respectively 63, 70, 74 and 82 years old), 22 in Bologna (eight women: two 66 years old, the other 68,82,90, 93, 94 and 95; fourteen men 67,73,79,80,82, two 83, one 85, two 86, then 88 , 90, 94 and 97 years), 6 in Imola (four women of 87, 88, 93 and 96 respectively and two men of 73 and 88 years); 4 in Ferrara (two women aged 82 and 89 and two men aged 85 and 86), 4 in Ravenna (two women aged 93 and 95 and two men aged 81 and 83), 2 in Forlì-Cesena (two women 76 and 87 years old) and 9 in Rimini (four women aged 87.88.89 and 98; five men aged 56, 83, 84.87.88 years). Three deaths (which occurred in Piacenza, Ravenna and Rimini) refer to persons residing or domiciled outside the region.

CASE Analysis

Since the beginning of the epidemic in Emilia Romagna, 159,472 positive cases have been registered. Of the newly infected, 639 are asymptomatic identified in the context of regional contact tracing and detection activities; 203 were already isolated at the time of the swab run, 392 were identified within known outbreaks.
The average age of new positives today is 47.3 years.
Of 639 asymptomatic, 292 were identified thanks to contact tracing, 118 through tests for risk categories introduced by the Region, 10 with serological tests, and 8 through tests prior to admission. In 211 cases, the epidemiological investigation is still ongoing.
The contagion situation in the provinces sees Bologna with 247 new cases; followed by Ravenna (162), Rimini (134), Modena (120), Piacenza (111), Ferrara (101), Reggio Emilia (75), Parma (60). Then Cesena and Forlì (both 40) and Imola (39).

The recovered, active cases and hospitalizations

As for the total number of people cured, they are 2,779 more than yesterday. Therefore, the total number of patients cured amounts to 94,188.
Active cases, that is, actual patients, to date have dropped to 58,125 (-1,721 compared to yesterday). Of these, people in isolation at home are a total of 55,015 (-1,630), almost 95% of the total active cases.
The patients hospitalized in intensive care remain stable, there are 207 (-3 compared to yesterday), while those of the rest of the Covid wards decrease (-88), a total of 2,803.
In the territory, patients admitted to intensive care are distributed as follows: 14 in Piacenza (-2 compared to yesterday), 14 in Parma (unchanged), 18 in Reggio Emilia (-1), 45 in Modena (+5), 53 in Bologna (-2), 5 in Imola (-2), 16 in Ferrara (-1), 19 in Ravenna (+1), 3 in Forlì (unchanged), 2 in Cesena ( unchanged) and 18 in Rimini (-1)).

The positives by province of diagnosis

14,641 in Piacenza (+ 111 compared to yesterday, of which 23 symptomatic), 12,454 in Parma (+60, of which 45 symptomatic), 22,175 in Reggio Emilia (+75, of which 26 symptomatic), 28,969 Modena ( +120, 89 of which symptomatic), 31,609 in Bologna (+247, of which 89 symptomatic), 5,088 cases in Imola (+39, of which 19 symptomatic), 8,298 in Ferrara (+101, of which 27 symptomatic), 11,577 in Ravenna (+ 162, of which 79 symptomatic), 5,560 in Forlì (+40, of which 25 symptomatic), 5,415 in Cesena (+40, of which 23 symptomatic) and 13,686 in Rimini ( +134, of which 45 symptomatic).
