Back to school on the final January 7? Here’s what the State Regions agreement says



Yesterday the Government, the Regions and the Autonomous Provinces, the Provinces, the Metropolitan Cities and the Municipalities signed an agreement for the reopening of schools in January at the Unified Conference. There was important news, including regarding the Decree of the Prime Minister of December 3.

Gradual return: starting with 50% of students in attendance, gradually reaching 75%

The return for secondary schools – writes the Ministry – will take place from 50% of the students who attend up to 75%. On this point, an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health will be prepared. The note with which the point is clarified

Will it be the final return?

The Understanding document commits, among other things, the parties to guarantee that from now on “any new suspension or limitation of face-to-face teaching activities is considered as a residual measure.”

The key point should be to strengthen the school monitoring system. Subsequently, the Autonomous Regions and Provinces will develop an operational plan to ensure the rapid and timely application of the health protocols related to the screening methods of the student population. There will be a true fast track for the school that will also address the immediate administration of quick swabs to close contacts of the infected person.

Fundamental strengthening of public transport and smart work

The agreement provides that the competent institutions reprogram, based on the operational documents drawn up by the tables managed by the Prefects, the local and regional public transport services and the consequent need to activate additional services to ensure the correct development of the school year. On the basis of the indications contained in the prefectural documents, it will also be considered to promote smart work for the public and private sector and the flexibility of the hours of commercial activities to also stagger the entries of other sectors as well as the school sector .

Is the date of January 7 safe?

In the communiqué with which the Ministry announces the news, the date of the 7th is not mentioned, it is said generically “the agreement for the reopening of schools in January.”

Reopening of schools on January 7: yes, face-to-face classes, at the beginning at 50% [BOZZA intesa, nota Ministero ]

