“We must restart with distance education at least 50% for secondary schools, with maximum flexibility”: the announcement is from Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, who in this way endorses the schedule changes in which the prefectures are making together with the bodies involved. But it also reduces the percentage of students who will go to school to attend face-to-face classes from 75% (as provided by the Dpcm of December 3) to 50%.
We need “flexible solutions”
During an interview with ‘Porta a porta’, the prime minister said that “with the prefectures at the provincial level a table of ministers has been held for days to coordinate and find flexible solutions” for the return to class of high school students higher for January 7.
“Avoid critical problems in transportation”
“I recommended that there be a differentiated school opening by school, country by country. In the name of flexibility: it is the only possibility we have to avoid critical issues that also focus on transport ”, concluded the premier.