Rt index closest to the national level at the dreaded threshold of 1, is high risk for 5 regions, with 4 that could soon reach them
Dirty theRt index in Italy, from 0.86 to 0.90. This was found by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, according to Ansa, which published the data contained in the draft monitoring the new data on coronavirus infections. So the numbers are rising again. In general theincidence of Sars-Cov-2 in our country remains high and a moderate or high risk is observed in all regions and autonomous provinces, which indicates that the epidemic in the territories not controlled or manageable.
For this, we read in the draft of the monitoring of the ISS, there remains the need to maintain the penalty line regarding the measures taken to prevent the spread of Covid, so as not to raise the Rt index above the threshold of warning 1.
Covid, Rt index and incidence too high: the warning of the ISS
Holidays, increased mobility and interactions between people could further increase infections, confirming the current trend. For this reason, the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, informs Ansa, advises to persevere in drastically reducing the opportunities for contact with people outside the own home and to stay at home as long as possible.
Covid: NHS still under stress, 13 regions in critical situations
The national health system is still under strong stress, with 13 autonomous regions and provinces above critical thresholds in the medical area or in intensive care. This despite the general decline in people admitted to intensive care, past 3,003 from December 15 to December 21, 2731, and Covid admissions in ordinary rooms, went from 27,342 from December 15 to 25,145 on December 21
Covid: There are still 5 high-risk regions, 4 could follow
In detail 5 regions they remain classified as high risk. It is about Liguria, Market, Puglia, Umbria me Veneto. In contrast, twelve of the autonomous regions and provinces are considered moderate risk, although 4 of them could fall within the maximum risk range in the next month. I am Emilia Romagna, Molise, Aosta Valley me Trento.
What worries most is the Veneto, which has a Rt compatible with one scenario type 2, with an extremely high incidence of the coronavirus in the population. The situation remains alert for the third consecutive week, and the ISS urges the Region to take New measures Containment of infections with special urgency.
Covid: the Rt index of the various regions, refers to Veneto and Molise
Veneto’s Rt index stands at 1.11 in the follow-up week, which takes into account the data for the days between December 14 and 20. Molise is also above the threshold of 1, where an Rt index of 1.02. In the previous week, the values were 1.01 and 1.48, respectively. The lowest value is that of Campania, with 0.65.
Below is the Rt index of all the autonomous regions and provinces of Italy detected in the draft of the ISS monitoring reported by Ansa.
- Abruzzo 0.70
- Basilicata 0.69
- Autonomous province of Bolzano 0.71
- Calabria 0.80
- Campania 0.65
- Emilia Romagna 0.82
- Friuli Venezia Giulia 0.78
- Straight 0.96
- Liguria 0.82
- Lombardy 0.92
- Walk 0.81
- Molise 1.02
- Piedmont 0.69
- Apulia 0.88
- Sardinia 0.74
- Sicily 0.74
- Tuscany 0.70
- Autonomous province of Trento 0.68
- Umbria 0.76
- Aosta Valley 0.68
- Veneto 1.11
Covid, impact on the population still above the threshold
Even the data on the incidence of the last 14 days do not leave room for optimistic forecasts. And of 329.53 almost for every 100,000 inhabitants in the period between December 7 and 20, a slight decrease compared to 374.81 in the period between November 30 and December 13.
“The value is still far from the levels that would allow the complete restoration ofcase identification me tracking of your contactsWe read in the follow-up, where it is explained that the weekly incidence is now 157.01 and should fall below the fifty to make the coronavirus emergency in Italy manageable.
VIRGILIO NEWS | 12-23-2020 21:46
Photo source: ANSA