From midnight today, Italy enters the red zone. As we now know, this is a kind of confinement: many things will be prohibited, but it is not true that you will not be able to move. Exceptions are provided, but most of all, you can keep your last Christmas shopping done. Of course, to get around, you’ll need to use self-certification (which you can download here). Also because the controls will begin, with more than 70,000 agents deployed by the government to patrol the streets. The news is that many commercial activities will remain open: let’s see which ones.
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What stays open at Christmas
To understand the type of activities that will remain open, just consult annexes 23 and 24 of the first Dpcm with the “colored areas”, that of November 6. We remember, in fact, that the last notice approved by the Council of Ministers is a decree. There are 35 businesses that will remain open: from hypermarkets to discount stores, from tobacconists to stationery stores; from sports stores to perfumeries.
In detail: here is Exhibit 23 Retail trade
Retail trade of machines, equipment and products for agriculture and gardening.
Retail trade of items for lighting and security systems in specialized exercises.
Retail sale of books in specialized stores.
Retail trade of newspapers, magazines and periodicals.
Retail trade of cartography articles and office supplies.
Retail trade of packages and calzature for children and babies.
Retail trade of personal biancheria.
Retail sale of sporting goods, bicycles and articles for free time in specialized exercises.
Sale of motor vehicles, motorcycles and related parts and accessories.
Retail trade of games and toys in specialized exercises.
Retail sale of drugs in specialized stores (pharmacies and other specialized stores for non-prescription drugs).
Retail trade of medical and orthopedic articles in specialized exercises.
Retail trade of cosmetics, perfumery and herbalism in specialized exercises.
Retail trade of flowers, plants, bulbs, seeds and fertilizers.
Retail trade of pets and food for pets in specialized exercises.
Retail trade of material for optics and photography.
Retail trade of fuel for domestic use and for heating.
Retail trade of soaps, detersivi, produced for lucidatura and affini.
Retail trade of funeral articles and cimiteriali.
Itinerant retail trade of: food and beverage paints; fruits and vegetables; fish; meat; flowers, plants, bulbs, seeds and fertilizers; perfumes and cosmetics; soaps, detergents and other cleaners; linen; clothing and footwear for children and babies.
Retail trade of any type of product made via the internet, television, correspondence, radio, telephone.
Trade carried out by automatic vending machines.
Annex 24. Services for the person
Laundry and cleaning of textiles and leather.
Industrial laundry activities.
Other laundries, dry cleaners.
Funeral services and related activities.
Hairdressing and hairdressing services.