On the eve of the anti-Coronavirus Christmas squeeze, when all of Italy will become the red zone, the weekly monitoring of the Gimbe Foundation certifies that the percentage of increase in cases that last week was decreasing everywhere, in the week of 16 As of December 22, the trend has been reversed in six regions: Basilicata, Calabria, Lombardy, Marche, Sardinia and Valle d’Aosta. The highest percentage increase per 100 thousand inhabitants was recorded in Sardinia (+ 8%) and Marche (7.4%), the lowest in Aosta Valley (+ 2.4%). The pressure on hospitals is reduced, but the medical area and intensive care units remain above the saturation threshold, set at 40% and 30%, in nine and eight regions, respectively. The death curve has risen less steeply, but the number is still very high, approaching 4,000. As reported YouTrendFurthermore, the second wave of the epidemic has already caused as many deaths as the first.
The second wave caused as many deaths as the first https://t.co/lIEhC7Jp8H
– Lorenzo Pregliasco (@lorepregliasco) December 23, 2020
Going into detail, Gimbe’s follow-up testifies to a slight decrease in new cases nationwide (106,794 about 113,182 of the previous week), compared to a substantial stability of the cases tested (465,534 versus 462,645) and in line with the reduction in the ratio of positive / proven cases (22.9% versus 24.5%). The data shows a reduction of 9.2% of currently positive people (605,955 versus 667,303), Dell ‘8.8% of hospitalized with symptoms (24,948 versus 27,342) He was born in 10.5% of admitted to intensive care (2,687 versus 3,003).
“This week’s data,” commented Nino Cartabellotta, president of the Gimbe Foundation, “confirm that the slowdown in contagion is less and less evident, as documented by the modest reduction in the percentage increase in total cases (5.7% versus 6.4%) and the slight decrease in new weekly cases (-5.6%). “In addition, even if the vaccination plan of the Ministry of Health foresees agreements with companies for more 202 million of doses, right now “certain doses are just a little over 10 million in March and 22.8 million by June 2021. “More generally, according to the Foundation, it is clear that containment measures introduced by the government in November are running out.
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