“I am proud to be among the first doctors to get vaccinated. And I am convinced that I represent all the colleagues who, like me, were waiting for this moment.” Lidia DalfinoThe 52-year-old (daughter of Enrico, former mayor of Bari) coordinates the Due Resuscitation Department of the Policlinico di Bari, a section that since the beginning of the epidemic has been at the forefront in the care of the most serious Covid patients. She will be the first doctor in Bari to receive the vaccine on Sunday.
What effect does it have on her?
“I am very happy. This vaccine comes at a very special time because never before as in this period among doctors and health professionals there was also a lot of fatigue, continue working in these conditions, using safety devices, with the constant fear of contagion “. , is not easy”.
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by Gianvito Rutigliano
Do you think the pandemic can be defeated with the vaccine?
“It is the only scientific weapon we have, the only tool that can get us out of the tunnel. Knowing that the vaccination partner will start in a few days for us doctors means to breathe a sigh of relief ”.
However, not all health workers, even in Puglia, have joined the vaccination campaign. How do you explain this choice?
“Unfortunately, even among physicians, there are those who are not enthusiastic about vaccines in general. I cannot explain it to myself because, I repeat, this is currently the only possible step to get out of the pandemic ”.
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Since the beginning of the pandemic, he has always been at the forefront of resuscitation doctors.
“They have been and are very difficult days. In this second wave we have especially followed the cases of young patients. And very often we have also felt a sense of helplessness, let’s put it that way. Knowing that you do the best you can, do everything possible and then check the aggressiveness of this virus for which there is no therapy is not easy ”.
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by Cenzio Di Zanni
When was the most difficult moment?
“Certainly in August when we resumed the hospitalization of patients affected by Covid. We knew there would be a second wave, but it came first. And so we fell back into the nightmare, without seeing a light at the end of the tunnel.”
What will change with the vaccine in your daily work?
Without a doubt, we will work with a different spirit ”.
What Christmas will it be?
“Different in many aspects. Also because the vaccine arrived earlier than expected and this helps us to better face the next few months.”