Schools reopening on January 7, there is an agreement between the State and the Regions: yes to 50% of the lessons in attendance [BOZZA]



The unified conference of state and local authorities reached an agreement on the reopening of schools on January 7. The Minister of Education, Lucía Azzolina, also participated in the meeting called by the Minister of Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia.

According to rumors, the Unified Conference has given the green light to schools reopen on January 7, although in this first phase with the presence of students at the fifty%, which will increase over time if conditions exist.

The Ministry, with note 28290 of December 22, announced that the need to modify the aforementioned provision has arisen, in the sense of establishing as mandatory the completion of 50% of face-to-face teaching, with the objective of ensuring the achievement of 75% gradually when this is not immediately possible. To this end, given that a new Decree of the Prime Minister on the matter will not be adopted immediately, this measure will be required to be provided for by a specific ordinance of the Minister of Health.

“The school Superiore reopens on January 7. It is good for everyone, without distinction. We work to guarantee the best possible conditions and guarantee the safety of the children and the tranquility of their families ”. Hence the president of Anci and mayor of Bari, Antonio Decaro.

Schools reopening January 7, Conte: “We must restore the lessons in the presence of at least 50% in high school”

The reprogramming of local and regional public transport services and the consequent need to activate additional services to ensure the correct development of the school year.

The document also provides for the development of an operational plan “aimed at guaranteeing the rapid and timely application of health protocols related to screening methods for the student population“.

The provisional text provides for the development of an operational plan to ensure the Operations for the location of infected and for the rapid, effective and timely application of health protocols in schools., providing, also with the help of military health authorities, taking care of symptomatic people.

The document also foresees the implementation of a system of fast communication and effective through which schools “They know precisely which students or staff units need to be quarantined, for how long, and how to return to school.

In addition, the draft provides that any suspension or limitation of face-to-face teaching activities must be foreseen “as a residual measure and determined solely on the basis of scientific evidence“.

For its part, the government is committed to increasing – continues the text – “the Fund for the Improvement of the Educational Offer for the recognition of the complementary salary to the Ata staff, in order to guarantee the continuity of the operation of the second grade secondary schools even in the afternoon hours“.

Second Grade High Schools Reopening, Additional Resources for Engaged ATA Staff in the Afternoon

Reopening of schools, plan of detection activities in the school population

