After a stable and warm phase, an intense wave of bad weather will begin since Christmas with cold, wind and snow at low altitude. Weather updates
The phase of stable and basically dry climate is about to end. In fact, aintense disturbance (the number 9 of the month) that already by Good night will begin to make its effects felt, with the first rains in the north and in the Tyrrhenian regions, accompanied by a significant reinforcement of the twenty of Libeccio. TO Christmas the cold currents accompanying the disturbance will cross the Alps and spread over much of the Center-North. Rains even the intense ones will wet most of the north and central regions, and then spread, at the end of the day, also to the lower side of the Tyrrhenian.
the temperature a Christmas will suffer one marked decrease, Resulting in decrease in snow altitude, up to 400-700 meters in the eastern Alps and the northern Apennines. On the 26th, the disturbance will reach the south and Sicily in a more decisive way, while in the north and later also in the central regions of the Tyrrhenian the situation will tend to improve. Inside S. StefanoTherefore,cold air of arctic origin it will invade the entire country, leading to a more typically winter phase than the current one.

Weather forecast for Thursday, December 24
Thursday mostly time sunny on the central coasts of the Adriatic, Puglia, Basilicata, Ionian Calabria and Sicily. Clouds elsewhere: light rains in Venice, with some Nevada more than 1600 meters; Some drizzle in Lombardy, Liguria and the Tyrrhenian regions. Temperature maximum decreasing in alpine regions, stationary or slightly rising elsewhere: possible 18-19 degree peaks in the central Adriatic regions, in the south and on the islands. Moderate winds from Libeccio.
Weather forecast for Christmas, Friday December 25
In Christmas clouds in much of Italy, even if there will be sunny phases, especially in the extreme south. During the day rains in the Northeast, Eastern Lombardy, Liguria, Central Tyrrhenian, Campania, Calabria and the Greater Islands; snow level fast overcast, and in the second part of the day it also snows in mountainous actions in the Alps and the Northern Apennines. Temperature maximum in decided decline in much of the Center-North.