Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, in an interview with Porta a Porta, which will air tonight on Rai Uno, also speaks at the school.
“Will the school reopen on January 7? We have to start over, trying to restore face-to-face teaching by at least 50% also when it comes to upper secondary schools. We will do it with the maximum flexibility regarding the integrated system: school hours, transportation, etc. “says the prime minister.
Conte adds that he has “Recommended, and the ministers are working in that sense, so that there is a differentiated school-by-school opening, country by country, community by community. We will distribute the times of entry and exit not in abstract terms but according to the specificities of the territories “.
Then: “In a complex system like the Italian one, even from a bureaucratic point of view, it is not easy to imagine at any moment revolutionizing everything. There are sectors that have difficulties in communicating with each other, it is necessary to initiate a dialogue between the center and the peripheral local authorities. Some think that the government has the magic wand with which to reorganize the entire system. Not so, we don’t have the power to do it. Recovery in school was a very demanding challenge that we have not neglected at all. In August we held at least 6-7 plenary sessions on schools with the ministers, precisely to try to engage the transport sector in dialogue ”.
Still: “There were no moments in which there was fear of not achieving it, but there were very difficult moments, especially when the pandemic broke out suddenly. As Italy was the first country to be attacked, we had no guide and everything we did was new. We had to make very difficult decisions ”.
“A particularly painful moment – Conte added – that’s when we started to see deaths. The decision to establish the first red zones was very difficult. Decisions that are usually made in authoritarian regimes. A great challenge also from the logistical point of view ”.
With the reinforcement of the anti-Covid “protective belt” for the Christmas period, we should “be able to face January by dosing the measurements with grain salt only where necessary between the yellow, orange and red zones. If a wave, a third wave or a variant that causes the jump of the RT, then we would easily find ourselves in the red zone or with more restrictive measures. But in a situation like the current one, perhaps we should face January-February with some tranquility ”.
Schools will reopen on January 7, Regions are fine at 50% of the lessons in presence [BOZZA]