In Loreto (Ancona) a case of the so-called English variant of Covid-19 was detected. A partial sequence was identified by the Virology Laboratory of the Ospedali Riuniti in Ancona: this is a person who had no direct connections with Great Britain and who underwent a molecular swab in recent days because he had a bad cold and is now isolated with his family. “In the meantime we have deepened the investigations – says the director of the Laboratory Stefano Menzo to Ansa – and now we know that it is the English variant”.
On the “Vui 202012/01” now known as the “English variant” in recent days, in fact, there has been convulsive information about the extent and risks that the mutated virus could carry on British soil. The first analysis carried out by the European Agency for Disease Control a few days ago illustrates how “the unusually high number of mutations in the Spike protein, and the high sequencing coverage in the UK, suggest that the variant did not arise by accumulation. Mutation gradual “in Britain. Rather, a possible explanation is prolonged SARS-cov-2 infection in “a single patient, potentially with reduced immunocompetence.” If this type of infection continues, the European scientists write, “it can lead to the accumulation of runaway immune mutations at a high rate.” Another possibility, then, is that of “virus adaptation processes that occur in a different susceptible animal species, which is then relayed to humans by the host animals”, as could have happened in the case of mink in Denmark. To date, the variant has been reported in Denmark, the Netherlands and “according to the media in Belgium”, with a confirmed case also in Rome. Fortunately, the results of the studies showed that with this type of mutation “fears that it may escape vaccine-induced immunity can be allayed.”
The British variant, announced in the House of Commons on December 14 by the Minister of Health, Matt Hancock, would then seem “more contagious”, and after a few days of skepticism on the part of the scientists by the affirmation of the British prime minister Boris Johnson on “70% more broadcasts” From an international point of view, the World Health Organization (WHO) told the BBC “to be in close contact with UK officials.”