
Today will be the last “yellow” day before Christmas: still can be done purchases, eat in the restaurant or have a coffee in the bar. According to the calendar imposed by the decree approved by the government for the holidays, it will start tomorrow “Red zone“ with a emergency shutdown soft and miscellaneous exceptions.
The cousin limitations They entered into force last Monday and refer to the prohibition to leave the Region. The same rules will also apply today. But if you can’t leave the area, you can still shop, as stores can stay open until 9:00 p.m., while bars and restaurants must close at 6:00 p.m.
Red zone, shoot tomorrow: how and where the controls will be Skiing starts again at the end of January.
From December 24 to 27, the strictest restrictions will apply. Movement outside the region, and even between municipalities, is still prohibited, except in the case of centers with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants. The need to move will have to depend on «proven needs», everything anyway be certified with the corresponding form. On the other hand, food stores, supermarkets, pharmacies, tobacconists, kiosks, barbers and hairdressers will remain open. You will always be allowed to return to your home, residence and home, even if the imposed curfew is observed from 10 to 5 in the morning.

During the days visits to friends and family will be allowed for a maximum of two people. You can only move once in the same day to go to private homes in the same region. There are no limits for children under 14 years of age, for people with disabilities and for those who are not self-sufficient. If you are traveling by car with a child over the age of 14, there will be no other adults. You can spend the night with family and friends.
According to the questions addressed by the citizens to the government (the faq), another concession allowed after the entry into force of the decree law is the one that refers to second homes: in fact, the transfer to the second home is also allowed for all the vacation period (from December 21 to January 6), but it will only have to take place within the same region. You can go to the home out of town even if the home has multiple co-owners of a single family unit living together. If you return home on these same dates, you will not be able to return to the second house until the day of Epiphany.
Christmas decree, yes to travel from small towns, but not to provincial capitals: the circular of Viminale to the prefects
Tourist trips that are not made to a second home or to visit a friend or family member are not allowed. The only exception is represented by tourism trips within the same region but from municipalities with a population of up to 5,000 inhabitants, within 30 kilometers of the limits of the Municipality, and in any case excluding trips to the capitals of Province.
The government has not issued prohibitions on what will happen in private homes, only recommendations. Inside the house it is impossible to carry out controls and the police will only be able to intervene in the event of a complaint of violation of public order. In any case, the Scientific Technical Committee continues to suggest a rigorous and careful attitude– As few guests as possible at the table and for a limited time, keep a safe distance. It is better to sit at the table if the distance is guaranteed. Keep children as far away from grandparents as possible and continue to wear the mask even at home, especially if there are strangers in the core of the cohabitants. And then often sanitize your hands and wash them frequently, especially during the passing of gifts.

The government also specifies the procedures for visiting family and friends on the “red” days after Christmas, those of December 28, 29, 30 and January 4, “when possible, for those who reside in a municipality up to 5,000 inhabitants, to circulate freely, between 5 and 22, within 30 km of the limit of their own municipality (therefore possibly also in another Region), with the prohibition, however, to move towards the provincial capitals.
Palazzo Chigi then specifies what is meant by “residence”, “domicile” and “home”.
“Residence is legally defined as the place where the person has his habitual residence. Residence results from the records of personal data and therefore can be known accurately and verifiably at any time “.
«It is the place where a person has established the main seat of his business and interests. The domicile may be different from the residence itself. “
«The concept of housing does not have a precise technical-legal definition. For the purposes of applying the dpcm, therefore, the home must be identified as the place where you actually live, with a certain continuity and stability (therefore for continuous periods, although limited, during the year) or with the usual periodicity and frequency. (for example some days of the week for work, study or other needs), but always with the exclusion of second homes for vacations.
To give one more example, people who for work reasons live in a place other than their spouse or partner, but who meet him regularly and periodically at the same address, may travel to meet again during the period of December 21 from 2020 to January 6, 2021 in the same house where they usually meet.
All infractions of the travel prohibitions will be sanctioned with an administrative sanction that may be from 400 to 1000 euros, possibly increase up to a third if the violation occurs through the use of a vehicle.
Last update: 10:33