
The English mutation of Sars-Cov-2? “It shows that the virus, that it does its job, has changed and always will. Reason why we only have to do one thing: vaccinate everyone as soon as possible “: he argues Sergio Abrignani, Senior Lecturer in General Pathology at the University of Milan. Interviewed byAdnkronos Greeting, the expert commented on the latest news related to Covid on the day Aifa authorized the Pfizer / Biontech vaccine. “If we can vaccinate more people in the shortest time possible – he explained – we reduce the reservoir in which the virus wallows. However, the more it circulates, the greater the chances that a variant that we care about will arrive.”.
Regarding English, Abrignani said he was not particularly scared: “There was the hysteria that started when it was discovered that it is transmitted faster. After the revelry that was already taking place in London and across the country, they imposed the closure. At that time, first France and then Italy closed the borders, all of Europe was in trouble. But this variant will have been running for some time“The good news is that” the severity of the disease does not change or the fatality, “but the fact that it is more contagious over time could make people sicker and, therefore, have a greater impact on deaths: the truth is that Abrignani stressed that the mutation falls within the “profession” of the virus and therefore is not as shocking as it has appeared in recent days.