
Space for heterogeneous measures in the draft of the milleproroghe decree that must reach the Council of Ministers on Wednesday and that currently has 22 articles. From the Covid hotel to the simulation stop, through the measures for the school, here are the most important news.
The news for the school
The government provision extends the term of the contest procedures until December 31, 2021. Not only that: extension of the learning evaluation carried out in person or with distance education until June 2021 (the current school year is indicated). Also extension of payments in school buildings until December 31.
(Expansion of the recruitment of Catholic teachers)
1. In paragraph 1 of article 1-bis of the decree-law of October 29, 2019, n. 126, transformed, with modifications, by Law No. 159 of December 20, 2019, the words “for the year 2020” are replaced by the following: “for the year 2021” and the words “from 2020/2021 to 2022/2023” are replaced by the following: “From 2021/2022 to 2023/2024”.
(Expansion of the public insolvency procedures of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry university and research)
2. In article 3, paragraph 3-ter, of the decree-law of January 9, 2020, n. 1, converted, with modifications, by law of March 5, 2020, n. 12, the words “December 31, 2020” are replaced by the following: “December 31, 2021”.
(Extended assessment of learning)
3. In article 87, paragraph 3-ter, of the decree-law of March 17, 2020, n. 18, converted, with modifications, by law April 24, 2020, n. 27, after the words “January 31, 2020”, the following are inserted: “and subsequent extensions” and the words “for the 2019/2020 school year” are replaced by the following: “For the 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 school years”.
(Extension of the payment term in the field of school construction)
4. In article 18, paragraph 8-quinquies, of the decree-law of June 21, 2013, no. 69, converted, with modifications, by law August 9, 2013, n. 98, the words “December 31, 2020” are replaced by the following: “December 31, 2021” and, at the end, the following period is inserted: “The waste conservation terms provided for in current legislation remain in force.”
With the Milleproroghe decree also comes a series of extensions of measures implemented since the beginning of the coronavirus emergency that would otherwise be stopped by the end of the year. From the doctors in training and retired in the room to the production of masks in derogation, passing through the operations of Commissioner Domenico Arcuri: the extension, specifies the draft decree, will be valid until the end of the state of emergency and, in any case, no later than March 1, 2021. If it were decided to continue with the state of emergency, therefore, greater regulatory intervention would be necessary.