Florence, December 22, 2020 – “We saw elona removing suitcases from which a nauseating material was dripping, he said it was wine that came out of broken bottles ”. It is also based on this testimony the arrest of Elona Kalesha, ex-girlfriend of Taulant pasho, currently imprisoned in Switzerland, the couple’s son found dead. Two people who were torn to pieces and whose remains were placed in four suitcases later found a Florence, in a field between Sollicciano prison and Fipili.
The woman was arrested in Florence. The house where, according to the hypothesis, they could have been murdered Salvation of Tauta Pasho, 54 and 52, would be in via Fontana in the Tuscan capital. This is where the neighbors report these strange suitcases.
Elona, on the other hand, was detained in another house, in Rifredi, in a completely different neighborhood. According to the prosecution, several clues come together in it. Among these are the testimonies of the condominiums in via Fontana, where the murdered couple lived until the moment of their disappearance. The two came often from Albania to visit the remaining children in Italy: Dorina, Vittoria and Taulant, the male child with a drug history who was in prison at the time of their disappearance in Sollicciano prison and who was released in early November from 2015. In the same hours that the couple lost all trace.
A first turning point for the mystery of the four suitcases with the bodies inside, suitcases found between December 10 and 15, is therefore with the arrest of this girl. Which in 2015 was seen by condos with these rushing baggage. It happened, as rebuilt, when the apartment lease by via Fontana now it was at the end. The woman was listened to for a good part of Tuesday morning by the carabinieri in the barracks of Borgo Ognissanti in Florence. She was then taken to prison in Sollicciano pending questioning under guarantee. However, in front of the men with the gun, the woman made a silent scene.
The prosecutor has seized the apartment in via Felice Fontana hoping to find some clues by doing new surveys, although time has passed. In 2015, due to protests from the other condominiums about the bad smell, the owner of the apartment, located on the ground floor, called 112 of the carabinieri. The patrol inspected the apartment, who had now been released at the end of the contract by Elona kalesha, but no particular anomalies emerged. The Pasho couple were last seen alive on November 1, 2015, and from past testimonies related to the investigation into their disappearance, it appears that the last person to see them was Elona, the woman arrested today.
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Murder Albanians, Taulant Pasho’s girlfriend Elona Kalesha is taken to Sollicciano prison after interrogation (Giuseppe Cabras / New Press Photo)
Murder Albanians, Taulant Pasho’s girlfriend Elona Kalesha is taken to Sollicciano prison after interrogation (Giuseppe Cabras / New Press Photo)
Murder Albanians, Taulant Pasho’s girlfriend Elona Kalesha is taken to Sollicciano prison after interrogation (Giuseppe Cabras / New Press Photo)
Barracks CC Borgognissanti, Taulant Pasho’s girlfriend Elona Kalesha is taken to Sollicciano prison after being interrogated (Giuseppe Cabras / New Press Photo)
Barracks CC Borgognissanti, Taulant Pasho’s girlfriend Elona Kalesha is taken to Sollicciano prison after being interrogated (Giuseppe Cabras / New Press Photo)
Barracks CC Borgognissanti, Taulant Pasho’s girlfriend Elona Kalesha is taken to Sollicciano prison after being interrogated (Giuseppe Cabras / New Press Photo)