(ANSA) – ROME, DECEMBER 22 – There will be time until July 2021 to “finalize” the new economic-financial plans for motorway concessions, to which the “rate adjustments” are linked, and therefore any increase (or decrease ) on tolls, which would otherwise have been applied at the end of the year. This is provided for in the draft of the Milleproroghe decree that should arrive at the table of the Council of Ministers tomorrow.
Considering the Covid emergency, the provision also allows more time to take driving tests to obtain a license. For applications submitted in 2020, the “knowledge test” can be taken within 1 year of application.
At the same time, the so-called perforations, that is, the activities of new research and cultivation of both liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons throughout the national territory, are definitively blocked. (HANDLE).