“I did not read the recovery plan” – Libero Quotidiano


Already the relations between Italia Viva and Giuseppe Conte are not the best, then you also need Roberto Gualtieri. According to the background of Dagospia during the government verification meeting between the prime minister and the Renzians, the recurring question would have been: “But Gualtieri the recovery plan read it? “. To a question from the former minister Maria Elena Boschi – explains in detail There is – On the reform of justice, in the part of the PNR relating to “reforms of the system”, the Minister of Economy replied that he had not read it. “Ah congratulations!”, The party’s head of delegation would have started. Matteo Renzi. And again, according to the background of Roberto D’Agostino’s website: “Didn’t you really read the plan?” Worse than that, very little.
