Recovery, a two-hour meeting between living Italy and Conte. Bellanova: “There is no longer the first working group proposal, it is a step forward”


Two hours face to face in between Alive italy and the prime minister Giuseppe Conte still not enough to declare escaped the risk of a government crisis. Some signs of relaxation have appeared publicly, but Renz’s background speaks of a summit weather and knots that don’t seem willing to be so easily resolved. And this despite the fact that, at the end of the meeting, the head of the delegation Teresa Bellanova appeared in front of journalists to affirm that in Recovery plan “There was a step forward.” In short, it is too early to understand where they want to go. Matteo renzi and his. Yesterday, after almost two weeks of threats and blackmail, it was Ettore Rosato to respond with soothing words to the new round of consultations called by Conte. “It’s something good“He said. Today, along the same lines, Bellanova has moved:” We finally started to think about merit. Conte finally recognized that Italy’s proposals live from the working method they are absolutely positive and the working group on the text ”, as it was initially thought,“ no longer exists ”. Important words, of course, but they are enough to say that the dialogue? According to the Corriere della sera, during the two hours of the summit, Bellanova and Maria Elena Boschi they have clashed several times with the prime minister. A sign that peace is further away than expected.

It only remains to wait: Iv will deliver at night a document with your comments on the recovery plan. Then early next week we will have to come up with a summary and, depending on the program, the fateful cdm that must approve the plan. The first question is understanding what you really want. Matteo renzi: Today he did not participate in the summit, according to the norm (the party leaders were not summoned), leaving space for the parliamentary representatives, but the game is all in the head of the former prime minister. Who even today wrote in his enews to wait for “answers” to the letter that last Friday, in less than half an hour of meeting, he delivered to the prime minister. Conte for his part, after reviewing the majority forces, is now betting everything on the new strategy: diverting the discussion about the contents of the Recovery plan and the division of EU funds, anticipating the movements of internal opponents. That is to focus on the content, involving as many political forces as possible and hoping to avoid the irreparable.

The node workgroup – At the end of the face to face with Conte, it was Minister Bellanova who appeared in front of the journalists. And the first result that he affirmed is the fact that, in the text delivered to the majority forces, there is no longer any the reference to the working group. This does not mean that it will disappear, because Europe itself demands it, as Conte always said and as Amendola recalled today, but it will surely be revised to please everyone. “On December 7 we had a meeting in which Conte spoke for an hour and 27 minutes about governance,” Bellanova said, recalling the CDM from where all the confrontation of the last ten days began. “Then he gave the floor to Amendola saying that in 10-15 minutes he would have to talk about the merit. Then we caught up. Now that proposal, illustrated for an hour and 27 minutes, is no longer on the table“And this, he added, for Italia viva” is a step forward. “But what is the government moving towards? According to the latest rumors there are some changes in the study: the projects will have to go through the CDM anyway and in Instead of having a tripartite committee (Conte-Patuanelli-Gualtieri) for coordination, it will be included. a minister for each party. The structure will remain, but it will probably be lighter.

The discussion about the Month – The other point on which Italy lives has no intention of going back are investments in health. The 9 billion of the first draft does not satisfy Renzi and his people, despite the fact that a series of “transversal investments” must be added, and for this they intend to wage war to activate the MEDE. It is a war made precisely to divide the majority: it is impossible for the M5s to give in at this point and not even Conte has MES among his priorities. However, from this, Renzi intends to keep the tension high. “During the meeting,” Bellanova said today, “we asked a question: if in the document that they gave us last night there are only 9 billion for health care and we know that there are very serious problems with structures and personnel, why? Are you not reflecting on the possibility of using the 37 billion of the Month that have less conditionality than those foreseen by the Recovery? It is a question to which we believe we must have an answer ”.

However, once again it is difficult to understand whether Italy will make it to the end alive or not. “The government can rest easy if it solves the problems”Bellanova told reporters. Technically, the milestones are already set: Conte wants to bring the plan to the CDM by the end of the year and the majority parties must make their observations as soon as possible. “It took us a few hours, Italy alive will prepare a document that will be delivered to Conte,” said Bellanova. And then they will wait for the expected response for next week. “It is Conte’s duty to summarize the different proposals “, Hill.

Renzi’s provocations: “The ball is in Conte’s hands” – However, that it is too early to rule out the risk of the crisis can be understood from the words of the leader of Italy alive Matteo renzi. The senator, who for almost two weeks has threatened the crisis almost daily, just before the delegation entered Palazzo Chigi, made his enews known, asking the premier for “answers”: “We trust that, with due respect to controversial makers, President Conte has read this letter, “he said in reference to the document he gave Conte last Friday, effectively freezing the majority verification.” We’ll see if you want to give some answers. The ball is now in the hands of the PremierIt just depends on him. He owes the answers to Italy, not to Iv ”. And, regarding requests, Renzi relaunched: “They wrote that we want seats. They wrote that we are irresponsible. They wrote that we do tactics. They wrote, but they did not read ”, it reads. And he announced that the challenge will begin at this point: “At each point we continue to insist, starting with the Month.” The party has promoted a signature drive to spend more money on health care. “We have 9,000 signatures and we want to reach 15,000. Can you help us? “.

According to rumors in the newspapers, the reorganization hypothesis has not yet been ruled out. From the return of the two vice premieres until possible return of the former prime minister himself, who, however, would agree to be just a technical executive. In short, if the crisis can also be frozen for the Christmas period, the beginning of the new year will be different: reorganizing the charts on governance and involving the forces on the ground in decisions to divide EU funds may not be enough.
