GPS, provincial and school rankings: indication of verification and validation of qualifications



#parent #teachers

Clarifications to the school directors of the Milan School Office on the qualification control operations and validation of GPS scores, the provincial and school classifications valid for the two-year period 2020/21 and 2021/22. Taking into account that the schools already started four months ago and that the substitutes in this period have followed one another without stopping, the indications can arrive late but it is always good to indicate certain steps.

Precisely today it was highlighted how the dismissals resulting from the verification of qualifications, after some time from the hiring, generate a disservice to the didactic continuity.

Why the explanatory note

The explanatory note, explains the Manager Marco Bussetti, was necessary to “resolve some critical questions that arose in the operations of verification of qualifications and validation / correction of the scores of teachers registered in the GPS, in order to ensure uniformity. in the application of the relative procedures and therefore avoid unjustified differences of treatment in the evaluation of the qualifications “.

The procedure

Educational institutions where the applicant stipulates the first employment contract must

1- verify the academic, professional, cultural, artistic and service qualifications of the teachers in relation to all the competition classes for which they are registered in the GPS;
2- continue with the proposal for the validation of the scores after a detailed verification of the qualifications (self-certification is not enough);
3- upload to SIDI in the section “RECRUITMENT OF SCHOOL PERSONNEL / PROVINCIAL CLASSIFICATIONS FOR SUPPLEMENTS / VERIFICATION AND VALIDATION OF THE APPLICATION” the communications related to validations / corrections / exclusions in each class of competition of the interested teachers and send said communications to the email address [email protected] and not
to the email addresses of other schools;
4- in case of negative results of the controls, also communicate the decisions taken to the interested parties.

It is recommended not to assign relative scores to degrees not declared by teachers in requests for inclusion in the GPS.

In the event schools have erroneously assigned scores relative to grades not reported by teachers in GPS inclusion requests, they are invited to make corrections according to the procedures indicated.

the explanatory note of December 21, 2020

