Self-certification and travel from December 24 to January 6: the Viminale circular


Yes, to travel between small cities and all the other exceptions provided by decree no. 172 of December 18, but you must always carry the self-certification. With a circular sent to the prefects, the Ministry of the Interior sheds light on the regulations against contagion in force from December 24, 2020 to January 6, 2021.

Let’s start with the “orange days”, that is to say December 28, 29, 30, 2020 and January 4, 2021. The Ministry of the Interior specifies that “with regard to the prohibition of inter-municipal mobility in the so-called orange zone, the provision allows, by way of repeal, on the same days mentioned above, the movements of municipalities with a population of no more than 5,000 inhabitants and for a distance that does not exceed 30 kilometers from its borders. It is observed that the demographic dimension refers only to the municipality a quo, and not even that To who, for which, therefore, the demographic data is not relevant, while on the other hand the circumstance that the destination municipalities have the qualification of provincial capital, in a sense impediment to movement, is relevant. “In short, so far nothing new with respect to what we have explained in the past days.

Self-certification and travel: the circular of the Ministry of the Interior

Decree n. 172 of December 18 establishes the red zone throughout the national territory on December 24, 25, 26, 27, 31, 2020 and January 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 2021, while from January 28 to 30 December, as well as January 4, the measures planned for the orange areas are applied. The circular specifies that “with respect to the entire national territory, in the period between December 24, 2020 and January 6, 2021; It is also possible to move to a single private home, located in the same region, only once a day; in a period of time between 05:00 and 22:00 and within the limit of two people. This numerical limit does not include minors under 14 years of age over whom persons interested in moving exercise parental authority and persons with disabilities or who are not self-sufficient living with them. “Therefore, we can move to do visits to friends, family and acquaintances but only two in number and no more than once a day. Of course, remembering to go home before curfew.

Self-certification of movements December 2020: the form in Pdf

“With reference to this last provision – the text says in fact -, it should be noted that, in addition to the movement to reach the private address of destination, it should also be considered permitted that the object is to return home, domicile or residence, without prejudice of the prohibitions of evening and night traffic ”.

With regard to travel outside the Municipality itself, “it is hardly necessary to specify that the corresponding justification can be provided through the usual self-declaration forms, in the part in which reference is made to” reasons allowed by current regulations. ”

travel self-certification form November 2020 pdf-2

The circular reiterates that “considering the period of validity of the measures in question, corresponding to the Christmas period”, access to places of worship and participation in religious services is still allowed, but “even in these cases, the limits schedules imposed by the so-called curfew ‘”.

Transfers that are reconnected with assistance activities carried out in the context of a voluntary association are allowed, with no time limit. The Interior Ministry also stresses that voluntary activities are also allowed “in agreement with local authorities, in favor of needy or disadvantaged people.” Consequently, for the movement linked to these activities – says the circular – the realization of social volunteering can be justified ”.
