What symptoms and differences from the original strain?


The new variant of coronavirus seen in the UK and also in other European countries, leading to suspension of flights from Britain, is one Sars-Cov-2 virus mutation called VUI-202012/01 by the English Public Health. According to experts, the new variant could be more contagious, but its characteristics are still under study.

What do we know about the so-called English variant of Covid-19? Is it more deadly or more serious than the original strain? Which are the symptoms and the differences Between both? Here all the useful information.

Covid, the symptoms of the new English variant

Currently, studies suggest that the new variant of Covid discovered in England causes same symptoms as the original strain. Those who contract the virus may have fever, dry cough, and fatigue or also muscle aches, sore throat, headache, conjunctivitis, diarrhea, loss of taste and smell, rash, or discoloration of fingers and toes.

In both cases, the symptoms are severe. breathing difficulties and wheezing, chest pain or pressure, and loss of speech or movement.

Due to the symptoms and the swab it is not possible to recognize if it is the “original” Covid or the new English variant. As he explains in an interview with Done Federico Giorgi, geneticist at the University of Bologna and co-author of a study on the Sars-Cov-2 mutation, “The molecular test is based on the recognition of the RNA of the virus. So a single mutation can change the test result. That is why it is necessary to continually update them based on the mutations identified “.

An update made by all nations, including Italy. The problem, however, explains Giorgi, “It is that if we update the tests with the sequences detected in other parts of the world, but we do not know which are the predominant ones in Italy, we no longer detect anything. Not surprisingly, the mutation was detected in the United Kingdom, which is the one that has been sequenced the most ”.

Differences between the English variant and the original strain

What has triggered the alert across Europe is that it seems that the British variant of the coronavirus is more contagious (probably up to 70% more transmissible than the previous variant, says the English report): in fact, it has 14 genomic mutations and 3 deletions. I have never seen a log with so many variations: we believe that the log discovered in the mink that had alarmed in November had 4.

What is scary about this English strain is that it is better able to bind to the Ace2 receptor, the gateway to our cells and therefore more easily spread.

Although the new English variant of the coronavirus is spreading faster and therefore may be more difficult to control, there is currently no evidence that it is more deadly or cause more severe symptoms of the original coronavirus strain.

Causes of the new variant of Covid

Experts explain that it is normal for a virus to mutate, and they have already passed various Covid-19 mutations that entered the communities without having consequences other than those we have come to know.

Regarding the English strain, one hypothesis is that its mutations have accumulated in a patient who has had Covid-19 for at least two months and the plasma-based treatment or remdevisir to promote healing may have selected a virus in capable to escape from therapy.

What changes for vaccines

The crucial question now is whether vaccinations developed so far against the coronavirus will also work against the new variant. Recall that in the United Kingdom vaccinations began two weeks ago, and in Europe it officially begins on December 27.

The chief physician of the English government, prof. Chris Whitty said there is no current evidence to suggest that the new strain causes a higher death rate or affects already approved vaccines and treatments. The British health secretary, Matt Hancock, has specified that from the clinical studies carried out so far it is highly unlikely that this mutation does not respond to the anti-Covid vaccine.

However, scientists are working to confirm this thesis.
