Everyone has observed a little about the government verification: unreliable is the main actor (Matteo renzi), the method is objectionable, the perspective is obscured. In order: the champion of leadership and disintermediation that challenges the prime minister to elude social and parliamentary representatives; the controversy in the newspapers and in Parliament instead a fair discussion within most of which it would belong; the threat of a reckless crisis in the dark in the midst of a dramatic emergency.
Paper, the most comprehensive newspaper with Italia Viva, entitled: “The mystery of an incomprehensible crisis … it is time to be understood”. But, later, he implies that he understood it very well: “The prime minister is accused by his opponents of not wanting to fully exercise his powers and yet he also wants to exercise diabolically little potter“Actually, it is the conclusion, one would like as at the time of the executive to see yellow:” A little less prime minister and a little more deputy than his deputies.
By cleaning the smoke of tactics and hypocrisy, this is really what has been understood. After all, the verification begins exactly like this: a request for reorganization and / or entry to the government of the majority party leaders. A poorly disguised commissioner of Giuseppe Conte. Renzi asked for it, but the leaders of the Democratic Party also asked for it: Bettini, Orlando, Marcucci. Of course, how not ?, in order to strengthen the government … Attacking it relentlessly for weeks in the media with criticism, as has been pointed out, often specious me instrumental.
This can also be seen in the details. I think about the indecent ballet meetings arranged and deserted despite. Why a minister Teresa Bellanova, was busy elsewhere. As if it were an unexpected event. We have seen how essential the presence of that authoritarian minister was in the half hour in which the IV delegation met with Conte: just enough time to give him a letter already public and then immediately say goodbye. Yes, because, as we know, Renzi and his associates are not interested in places, but I content. Imagine: Content, capitalized! Nineteen points. Some are studiously inadmissible. Also, if three, four, five important would be plausible. Nineteen is like throwing the ball into the stands. It means that the problem is something else. Exactly what you understood Paper.
In order not to be left behind, playing again for the shot, the Democratic Party has seen fit to propose twenty-five programmatic points. How to remember that the weights (quotas?) Must be respected. Of course, as always, in the content not in the organization charts… Renzian’s timing is not accidental either. Someone, naively, considering the dramatic situation, would have imagined that it would be prudent to close the verification and uncertainty as soon as possible, to deal with the Italians. No gentlemen: one hit and ready. Thirty minutes and everything was postponed to the beginning of January, to reiterate the slogan, to be in the newspapers for another week.
Non-existent or evanescent parties of society live in (and of) the holders. With the former prime minister flaunting his detachment from armchairs and proclaims the readiness of “his” ministers to step back. Revealing a unique conception of their personal and institutional autonomy.
I was surprised that even a good member of the Democratic Party who is in Drink (the delegation to control the Security Services today in the hands of the prime minister, but the appetite of the parties is among the open issues subject to verification) has vindicated that position for the Democratic Party with the argument that it is up to him because the Democratic Party would be “The party of the institutions”. An oxymoron – the party is part, the institutions belong to everyone – and yet revealing in general a curious culture of the institutions and, more specifically, of the true and crude object of verification: a question of power raised by the parties, irreducible in this sense.
Last News. The nineteen Renzian points have risen to twenty: they want to discuss Rai’s top management, the usual spoils of power struggles between parties. At first glance, it is not exactly the subject that occupies the first place in the anguish of Italians.