The coffee rebellion in Naples against the orange zone of Campania


Editorial Board
22 December 2020 06:07

In Naples, the coffee rebellion is organized against the order of the president of the region Vincenzo De Luca, who brought Campania to the orange zone as of Sunday December 20 with the attached ban on serving anything other than water after At 11 a.m. .

The coffee rebellion in Naples against the orange zone of Campania

In fact, the Neapolitan baristas have decided to “disobey” De Luca: “No, you can’t take your coffee. And what do we, the acquafrescai, do?” Afraid of a fine? Well, I look around me. All we need is the fine, we’re already in good shape. But I want to see a policeman who comes here to report me because I served a coffee after 11. Jamme, this law it’s a joke “. The latest ordinance of the governor establishes not only the orange zone instead of the yellow one “granted” by the Ministry of Health after the decline in the epidemic figures, but “for bars and other catering establishments, starting at 11 a.m. the morning, prohibition. ” sale with take away food of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, except water “.

With this decision, the Region wants to avoid aperitifs in the open air, that is, to avoid that those traditional groups of friends who see each other outside the bars at lunchtime or in the afternoon, drink and wish each other good wishes. “We agree, but what does coffee have to do with it? – Asks the owner of a Tabacchi Bar in Chiaiano in conversation with il Mattino – How did you indicate that the exclusion of water could not also exclude coffee? A bar does not live on mineral water. “The ordinance provides the following measures to prevent and contain the Covid-19 infection. Effective from December 20, 2020 until December 23, 2020:

  • 1. Confirmed all the measures in force today due to state provisions, including those mentioned in article 2 of the Decree of the Prime Minister of December 3, 2020 (the so-called “orange zone”), as well as regional (Ordinance No. 96 of December 10, 2020 on arrival controls and mobility restrictions in the regional territory).
  • 2. Prohibition for bars and other catering establishments, starting at 11:00 am, of the sale of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages with take-out food.
  • 3. Throughout the day, prohibit the consumption of food and beverages, including non-alcoholic ones, in public areas open to the public, including villas and municipal parks;
  • 4. For all commercial establishments, it is mandatory that customers measure body temperature at the entrance of their premises and inhibit the entrance where the temperature is higher than 37.5 ° C.
  • 5. Recommendation to the Municipalities and other competent Authorities to intensify the supervision and controls on the fulfillment of the current dispositions, in particular in the so-called areas. “move”
  • 6. Recommendation to the Municipalities for the adoption, where appropriate, of measures for the temporary closure of specific public areas or areas open to the public in which it is impossible to adequately ensure compliance with the interpersonal safety distance of at least one meter, in accordance with current provisions. , as well as the provisions mentioned in point 3 above.

Self-certification, travel and the red zone: what happens from December 24

Stop the protests of the restaurateurs

Meanwhile, the protests of the restaurateurs, whose ordinance has eliminated the last four days of work in front of the red zone of December 24 proclaimed by the government, have ceased. “These days – he explains to Ansa Massimo Di Porzio, president of the restaurant sector within Confcommercio – they have already left and the protests cease, but I hope that the Region has received the signal of the need to dialogue with the social partners, by less to warn them of decisions they are about to make that have an impact on business. We cannot allow it to happen again to see restaurateurs make their purchases, invest thousands of euros knowing that for a few days it can open and then be displaced. clarifications on the regional compensation hypothesis that has been promised to catering establishments ”.

Meanwhile, there is the problem of the English variant of the coronavirus: starting tomorrow everyone who has arrived in Naples from Great Britain and Northern Ireland in the last 14 days will have to go to the ASL Napoli 1 website and report it. Then they will be summoned by ASL Napoli 1 to the ‘Frullone’ where they will be subjected to the hyssop. The flights are suspended, but the ASL has been working since yesterday to evaluate all those who are already in Naples “thanks also to the enormous immediate reaction – explains Verdoliva – of the regional crisis unit, which organized the buffer station in about few hours with the Zooprophylactic Institute “. A reaction that allowed the passengers of the two flights that had departed before the closure ordinance to the United Kingdom and who were therefore forced to carry out in-flight controls.
