
On Monday night, the United States Congress overwhelmingly approved a $ 900 billion (approximately € 730 billion) support plan for American families and businesses affected by the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said hundreds of dollars in direct payments could reach Americans next week.
Thanks to @realDonaldTrump, @SenadoMajLdr, @SenSchumer, @SpeakerPelosi, @GOPLeaderand boss @MarkMeadows for providing COVID relief for American workers, families, jobs, schools, small businesses, direct payments, and much more.
– Steven Mnuchin (@ stevenmnuchin1) December 21, 2020
The stimulus plan for the economy includes a series of financing for small businesses, 300 dollars (almost 250 euros) of increase in weekly unemployment benefits for 11 weeks, direct support measures from 600 dollars (almost 500 euros), plus financing for schools, coronavirus testing and vaccine distribution.
The new aid package is the largest in US history, after the $ 2.3 trillion approved last March. President-elect Joe Biden, who received the coronavirus vaccine on live television Monday, said this plan is just the beginning and that more funding, especially for state and local governments, will come after he takes office on Monday. next month. . The bill was approved first in the House and then in the Senate (here with 92 votes in favor and 6 against). It will now have to be signed by outgoing President Donald Trump.