The “reopening” of the Recovery Plan file based on its content. The creation of an ad hoc majority working group. The final landing in Parliament. In three movements, Giuseppe Conte tries to wet the dust of the Renzianos and avoid a government crisis. However, the tension with Italia Viva remains very high but, in the meantime, the head of Government puts his concessions on the table: in fact, that Council of Ministers to which the draft of the Recovery and Resilience Plan was presented has been canceled. . And the goal, Conte explains, is now to bring the final draft to a CDM within a year: “we discussed but going further would be inexcusable,” he stresses. The premier had no other option and his path continues to be uphill as well because, if on the one hand there is the yes to greater collegiality, on the other there is the node of time, which cannot be avoided.
The new series of meetings organized by the Prime Minister on Recovery does not foresee the presence of political leaders but of government teams from individual forces, accompanied by group leaders and those who, in recent weeks, have worked on the dossier. The framework of the Recovery Plan will not be revolutionized but something substantial will change. Even if the political novelty of the day is the creation of an ad hoc working group made up of representatives of the majority forces. Proposal that comes from the M5S, which is the first to see Conte. “It could not have been the entire prerogative of a small number of ministers,” explains one of the pentastellati who attended the meeting at Palazzo Chigi. The working group could serve to undermine two fuses: that of IV, first, but also that of internal tensions between the parliamentary bases of the individual majority parties and their respective ministers. “We can discuss everything but let’s do it on the merits, the credibility of the country is at stake,” is the message delivered by the prime minister to the majority. And it is a movement that, perhaps, can avoid the crisis, we think of the coalition. “Last night something changed. Conte called a series of meetings that began today. It seems to me a positive development ”, underlines the president of Iv Ettore Rosato, who just 24 hours ago spoke of a majority trust in the prime minister. .
For now, however, we sail on sight. And Matteo Renzi keeps the tension high and in the mornings he attacks the anti-Covid measures and increases health. Triggering the indirect response of the premier: “Health resources are not only direct but there are transversal projects, in terms of the efficiency of hospitals,” explains the premier meeting with the delegation of Pd. Delegation that applauds the unblocking of the Plan’s impasse but warns that it is necessary to “allow discussion in Parliament and the opening of a debate in the country, with social partners, companies, associations, youth, women, environmental associations. It is unthinkable to design Italy in 2030 without involving the country’s system. ” Conte listens and, from now on, in the next few hours, will act accordingly by putting meetings with the social partners and local authorities on the agenda. The objective is to guarantee that collegiality without which not only the Recovery but also the Conte II government would have succeeded. “The task force needs clarity, it cannot replace the institutions,” emphasize the Democrats. The structure is requested by the EU “but it is not conceivable and we have never done so to make it centralized and invasive”, Conte assures us, promising, at this point, “a broad and shared solution.”