
Francesco Storace
Now stop, gentlemen of the vaccine, that the confusion you make worries us even more. It is clear that if the vaccine is safe, there will be no difficulty in taking the necessary precautions against Covid. But is it? Too much haste, like aspirin. Today the EMA screening, then Aifa’s, and the vaccine is on the table. But is it really so? If nothing changes with the English variant – as the latest discovery, which also reached Celio, was defined so as not to miss anything – why have arrivals from the UK been blocked? Are we facing danger or not? Who reassures us? And when does the mutation make it serious compared to the virus that we knew precisely for the purposes of the efficacy of the vaccine? If the virus mutates and we don’t know how effective it is, the mere idea of making the injection mandatory becomes criminal. However, there are those who insist. Doubts also crowd the heads of those who do not cultivate prejudices. Not in a rush? It was known to have taken years. Here the days, mah. And then the announcement effect, as if everything is ready. People are delusional. Actually we will vaccinate until 2022 …. Living with the virus will continue for at least one year more than the measures adopted so far by Conte and his government poultices … In our part, the flu is not even found.